
DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction is an interdisciplinary research centre of the University of Aveiro focusing on innovation in the design of new interaction approaches for human-centered digital media applications.

I am with you: a netnographic analysis of the Instagram opinion leaders on eating behavior change.


Saboia, I., Pisco Almeida, A. M., Sousa, P., & Pernencar, C. (2018). I am with you: a netnographic analysis of the Instagram opinion leaders on eating behavior change. In J. . Q. Varajão, M. M. Cruz-Cunha, R. Martinho, R. Rijo, D. Domingos, & E. Peres (Eds.), Procedia Computer Science – Special Issue: CENTERIS – International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN – International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist – International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, CENTERIS/ProjMAN/HCist 2018  (Vol. 138, pp. 97–104). 

I Never Imagined that I Would Work in the Digital Game Industry


Lima, L., Pinto, C., Gouveia, P., & Cardoso, P. (2021). I Never Imagined that I Would Work in the Digital Game Industry IEEE COG 2021: 3rd IEEE Conference on Games.

Iconography’s development for a seniors’ iTV informative platform


Silva, T., Caravau, H., Reis, L. & Almeida, P. (2017) Iconography’s development for a seniors’ iTV informative platform. Procedia Computer Science, Vol. (121), (pp. 576-583), DOI: /10.1016/j.procs.2017.11.076

ICT in the Education of Students with SEN: Perceptions of Stakeholders


Ribeiro, J., Almeida, A. M., Moreira, A. (2010) “ICT in the Education of Students with SEN: Perceptions of Stakeholders”, Technology Enhanced Learning: Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform, Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer. Volume 73, 2010, pp 331-337.

ICT in the Education of Students with SEN: Perceptions of Stakeholders


Ribeiro, J., Almeida, A. M., Moreira, A. (2010) “ICT in the Education of Students with SEN: Perceptions of Stakeholders”, Technology Enhanced Learning: Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform, 1st International Conference, TECH-EDUCATION 2010, 19/05/10, Volume 73, Athens, Greece, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Verlag, 73 CCIS, pp. 331-337.

ICT Oriented to the Elderly and Their Active Aging: A Systematic Review


Rosado, M., Abásolo, M. J., & Silva, T. (2020). ICT Oriented to the Elderly and TheirActive Aging: A Systematic Review. In Communications in Computer and InformationScience (pp. 134–155).

ICT tools’ contributions in a technology-enhanced peer learning program involving EFL learners


Carvalho, A. R., & Santos, C. (2021). ICT tools’ contributions in a technology-enhanced peer learning program involving EFL learners. Proceedings of The 21st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT21) (July, 12 – 15, online conference), Vol. 1, pp. 257-259.

IDTV Application to Promote the Gait of the Elderly


Rosado, M., Abásolo, M. J., & Silva, T. (2021). IDTV Application to Promote the Gait of the Elderly. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1433, 134–146.

Image dysmorphia on digital platforms: an analysis of the policies and terms of use on Instagram and Spark AR


Grieger, J., Oliveira, L. & Botelho, R. (2023). Image dysmorphia on digital platforms: an analysis of the policies and terms of use on Instagram and Spark AR, in: Advances in Design and Digital Communication IV: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, Digicom 2023,.

Immersive content with violence: A research using eye tracking with university students in Spain and Portugal


Mañas-Viniegra, L., Veloso, A.-I., & Sierra-Sánchez, J. (2020). Immersive content with violence: A research using eye tracking with university students in Spain and Portugal | Contenidos inmersivos violentos: Investigación con eye tracking en jóvenes universitarios en España y Portugal. Profesional de La Informacion, 29(1).

Impact of Psychoeducational Campaign ‘DEEP’ in Portuguese University Students


Duran, L., Almeida, A.M. (2020). Impact of Psychoeducational Campaign “DEEP” in Portuguese University Students. 15th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), Sevilla, Espanha.

Implementation of a Learning Management System (LMS) in an Angolan higher education institution: A systematic literature review


Pena, S. B., & Santos, A. (2022, junho). Implementation of a Learning Management System (LMS) in an Angolan higher education institution: A systematic literature review [Oral presentation]. 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI).

Implementation of Social Entrepreneurship Projects. The path to Communities of Practice


Melro, A., Oliveira, L. 2016. Implementation of Social Entrepreneurship Projects. The path to Communities of Practice. 1st International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development. Romenia: Politehnica University of Timisoara.

Implementation of Social Entrepreneurship Projects. The path to Communities of Practice.


Melro, A., Oliveira, L. (2017). Implementation of Social Entrepreneurship Projects. The path to Communities of Practice. Interaction Design and Architecture(s), Vol. (32), pp. 165-172.

Improving a Software Framework from an Assistive Technology Application for iTV


Cardoso, R., Rodrigues, A., da Costa, V., Silva, T., Oliveira, R., & Tavares, T. (2020).Improving a Software Framework from an Assistive Technology Application for iTV. InCommunications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 31–49).

Improving a Software Framework from an Assistive Technology Application for iTV


Cardoso, R., Rodrigues, A., da Costa, V., Silva, T., Oliveira, R., Tavares, T. (2020). Improving a Software Framework from an Assistive Technology Application for iTV. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1202 CCIS, pp. 31-49. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-56574-9_3

InApp Questions: an Approach for Contextual Evaluation of Applications


Abreu, J., Almeida, P., Beça P. (2017). InApp Questions: an Approach for Contextual Evaluation of Applications. In: Abásolo M., Almeida P., Pina Amargós J. (Eds.) Applications and Usability of Interactive TV: vol 689. jAUTI 2016 – Communications in Computer and Information Science, (pp 162-75). DOI: /10.1007/978-3-319-63321-3_12

InApp Questions: an Approach for Contextual Evaluation of Applications.


Abreu, J., Almeida, P., Beça P. (2017, november). InApp Questions: an Approach for Contextual Evaluation of Applications. Paper session presented at JAuti´17 – 6thIberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability for interactive TV, La Habana, Cuba

Inclusão na Música: Avaliação das ações de sensibilização em Portugal


Moreno, D., Tymoshchuk, O., Moreira, A., Marques, C. (2023 in print). Inclusão na Música: Avaliação das ações de sensibilização em Portugal". In 12o Congresso Ibero-Americano em Investigação Qualitativa (CIAIQ2023), Lisbon, 2023.

Inclusion in Music: Evaluation of Awareness-raising Actions in Portugal


Moreno, D. E., Moreira, A., Tymoshchuk, O., & Marques, C. (2023). Inclusion in Music:: Evaluation of Awareness-raising Actions in Portugal. In Educational Research and Qualitative Research, 16, 101- 112.

Inclusive, interdisciplinary and digital-based OSH resources: A booklet for students.


Rodrigues, F., Almeida, A. M. et al (2018). Inclusive, interdisciplinary and digital-based OSH resources: A booklet for students. In Arezeres Et al (Eds) , Occupational Safety and Hygiene VI. Selected contrinutions from the International Symposium Occupational Safety and Hygiene (SHO), Guimarães-Portugal, 26-27 March 2018, pp. 235-238. 

Inclusive, interdisciplinary and digital-based OSH resources: a booklet for Students.


Rodrigues; F. Antunes; A.M. Pisco Almeida, J. Beja; L. Pedro; M. Clemente, R. Neves; R. Vieira. (2018). Inclusive, interdisciplinary and digital-based OSH resources: a booklet for Students. In P. M. Arezes, J. S. Baptista, M. P. Barroso, P. Carneiro, P. Cordeiro, N. Costa, R. B. Melo, A. S. Miguel, G. Perestrelo (Eds.), 6th International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene. 

Increasing awareness and empathy among university students through immersive exercises–testing of the virtual reality application: A pilot study


Raposo, R., Vairinhos, M., Laska-Leśniewicz, A., & Sztobryn-Giercuszkiewicz, J. (2023). Increasing awareness and empathy among university students through immersive exercises–testing of the virtual reality application: A pilot study. Medycyna Pracy,74(3),187-197. DOI:10.13075/mp.5893.01391

Indagante: A Proposal for a Social Multiplatform Game to Motivate Interaction in the Living Room


Cardoso, B., Abreu, J. (2017). Indagante: A Proposal for a Social Multiplatform Game to Motivate Interaction in the Living Room. In: Abásolo M., Almeida P., Pina Amargós J. (Eds.) Applications and Usability of Interactive TV: vol 689. jAUTI 2016 – Communications in Computer and Information Science, (pp. 105-116). DOI: /10.1007/978-3-319-63321-3_8

Indagante: A Proposal for a Social Multiplatform Game to Motivate Interaction in the Living Room.


Cardoso, B., Abreu, J. (2017, november). Indagante: A Proposal for a Social Multiplatform Game to Motivate Interaction in the Living Room. Paper session presented at JAuti´17 – 6thIberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability for interactive TV, La Habana, Cuba

iNeighbour TV – a social TV application to promote wellness of senior citizens


ABREU, J., ALMEIDA, P., SILVA, T. (2013). iNeighbour TV – a social TV application to promote wellness of senior citizens. In Martinho, R., Rijo, R., Cruz-Cunha, M. M., & Varajão, J. (2013) (Eds.). Information Systems and Technologies for Enhancing Health and Social Care (pp. 1-19). Hershey, PA: Medical Information Science Reference. ISBN13 978-14-66636-67-5; doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-3667-5.ch001

Influence of the graphical layout of television news on the viewers: An eye tracking study.


Rodrigues, R., Veloso, A., & Mealha, O. (2016). Influence of the graphical layout of television news on the viewers: An eye tracking study. Revista Da Obercom, E-Journal, 1–16. Retrieved from

Influence of the graphical layout of television news on the viewers: An eye tracking study.


Rodrigues, R., Veloso, A., & Mealha, Ó. (2016). Influence of the graphical layout of television news on the viewers: An eye tracking study. Revista (OBS*) Observatorio, 10 (1). DOI: 10.7458/obs1012016853

Information and Communication Technologies and Communicational Approaches for the Dissemination, Preservation, Understanding, and Attractiveness of Cultural Heritage


Martins, D., Oliveira, L., Amaro, A.C. (2023). Information and Communication Technologies and Communicational Approaches for the Dissemination, Preservation, Understanding, and Attractiveness of Cultural Heritage. In: Yang, XS., Sherratt, S., Dey, N., Joshi, A. (eds) Proceedings of Seventh International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 465. Springer, Singapore. 5_2

Information and Communication Technologies and Communicational Approaches for the Dissemination, Preservation, Understanding, and Attractiveness of Cultural Heritage.


Martins, D., Oliveira, L., & Amaro, A. C. (2023). Information and Communication Technologies and Communicational Approaches for the Dissemination, Preservation, Understanding, and Attractiveness of Cultural Heritage. Em X.-S. Yang, S. Sherratt, N. Dey, & A. Joshi (Eds.), Proceedings of Seventh International Congress on Information and Communication Technology (Vol. 465, pp. 11–18). Springer Nature.

Information Needs about Public and Social Services of Portuguese Elderly


Silva, T., Caravau, H., & Campelo, D. (2017). Information Needs about Public and Social Services of Portuguese Elderly. ICT4AWE 2017 – Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, Porto, Portugal, (pp. 46–57). DOI: /10.5220/0006284900460057

Information Needs about Public and Social Services of Portuguese Elderly.


Silva, T., Caravau, H., & Campelo, D. (2017, april). Information Needs about Public and Social Services of Portuguese Elderly. Paper session presented at 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, Porto, Portugal

Information Security Threat Assessment Using Social Engineering in the Organizational Context – Literature Review


Lopes, A., Reis, L., São Mamede, H., Santos, A. (2022). Information Security Threat Assessment Using Social Engineering in the Organizational Context – Literature Review. In: Rocha, A., Adeli, H., Dzemyda, G., Moreira, F. (eds) Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 469. Springer, Cham.

Informational resilience and microcephaly: Digital information search practices


Silva Rocha, P. M., Brasileiro, F. S. á., Melo, D. A., Alves, E. C., & Almeida, A. M. P. (2021). Informational resilience and microcephaly: Digital information search practices. [Resiliência informacional e microcefalia: Práticas digitais de busca por informação]. Encontros Bibli, 26. 1-22.

Instagram como red de promoción e hipermediación del turismo rural: el caso de Aldeias Históricas


Martínez-Rolán, X., Tymoshchuk, O., Piñero-Otero, T., & Renó, D. (2019, no prelo). Instagram como red de promoción e hipermediación del turismo rural: el caso de Aldeias Históricas. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social.

Instagram Use and Equity in Public Health: A Study on Brazil and Portugal During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Pinto, P., Antunes, M. J., Almeida, A. M., & Renó, D (2023). Instagram Use and Equity in Public Health: A Study on Brazil and Portugal During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Canadian Journal of Communication 48(3), 474–500. doi:10.3138/cjc- 2022-0059

Integração de conteúdos multimédia numa plataforma digital de agregação de conteúdos noticiosos.


Almeida, P., Beça, P., Silva, T., Nicolau, C., Covalenco, I., & Afonso, M. (2022). Integração de conteúdos multimédia numa plataforma digital de agregação de conteúdos noticiosos. Em M. J. Abásolo Guerrero & G. Olmedo Cifuentes (Eds.), Proceedings of the X Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive TV. Facultad de Informática (UNLP).

Integrated Language Translation IoT Devices: A Systematic Literature Review


Santo, A., Santos, A., & Mamede, H. S. (2022, junho). Integrated Language Translation IoT Devices: A Systematic Literature Review [Oral presentation]. 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI).

Inteligência Artificial e (Im)parcialidade nas decisões judiciais


Melro, A. (2024). Inteligência Artificial e (Im)parcialidade nas decisões judiciais. Law, State and Telecommunications Review, 16(1) (no prelo).

Inteligência artificial, microcredenciais e o processo de enfermagem: potencialidades para a aprendizagem baseada em competências


SILVA, A., SANTOS, C., PEDRO, L., MOREIRA, A., OLIVEIRA, P., PINTO, C. (2023). Inteligência artificial, microcredenciais e o processo de enfermagem: potencialidades para a aprendizagem baseada em competências. In Daniela Freitas (Org.), Impacto das tecnologias nas Ciencias biológicas e da saúde, 15-25. Brasil: Atena Editora.

Inter Gera Ação, etapas de produção do documentário sobre relações intergeracionais e novas tecnologias da comunicação


Benedeti, M.G. & Amaro, A.C. (2017). Inter Gera Ação, etapas de produção do documentário sobre relações intergeracionais e novas tecnologias da comunicação. In Atas da 8th Internacional Conference Cinema, Art, Technology, Communication, Avanca, Portugal. Retrieved from

Inter Gera Ação, etapas de produção do documentário sobre relações intergeracionais e novas tecnologias da comunicação.


Benedeti, M.G. & Amaro, A.C. (2017, juky). Inter Gera Ação, etapas de produção do documentário sobre relações intergeracionais e novas tecnologias da comunicação. Paper session presented at 8th Internacional Conference Cinema, Art, Technology, Communication, Avanca, Portugal

Interaction Design to Female Technological Collective Activism: Geek Girls Portugal Case Study.


Frade, R., & Vairinhos, M. (2022). Interaction Design to Female Technological Collective Activism: Geek Girls Portugal Case Study. Advances in Design and Digital Communication II, 492–504.

Interaction Devices as Assistive Technology: Current Practices about Evaluation Methodologies


Rodrigues, A., Machado, M. B., Almeida, A. M. P., Abreu, J. F. D., & Tavares, T. A. (2022). Interaction Devices as Assistive Technology: Current Practices about Evaluation Methodologies. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 38(3), 201–212.

Interaction mediated by a swipe culture: An observation focused on mobile dating applications


Rodrigues, R. Baldi, V. (2017). Interaction mediated by a swipe culture: An observation focused on mobile dating applications. In CIST 17 – 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, (pp. 1-4). DOI: /10.23919/CISTI.2017.7975868

Interaction mediated by a swipe culture: An observation focused on mobile dating applications.


Rodrigues, R., & Baldi, V. (2017, june). Interaction mediated by a swipe culture: An observation focused on mobile dating applications. Paper session presented at the 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2017), Lisbon, Portugal.

Interaction Models for iTV Services for Elderly People


Carvalho, D., Silva, T., & Abreu J. (2019). Interaction Models for iTV Services for Elderly People. In M. J. Abásolo, T. Silva & N. D. González (Eds.), CCIS, Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 1004. Conference proceedings jAUTI2018 – Applications and Usability of Interactive TV (pp. 89-98). DOI:

Interaction Paradigms on iTV: a survey towards the future of television.


Silva, T., Almeida, P., Abreu J., Oliveira, E. (2018). Interaction Paradigms on iTV: a survey towards the future of television. Proceedings of The 9th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics (IMCIC 2018). 

Interactive Television and Second-Screen Devices: Presentation Strategies for Notifications


Cunha, A., Silva, T., & Oliveira, R. (2019), Interactive Television and Second-Screen Devices: Presentation Strategies for Notifications. 2019 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), Coimbra, Portugal, 2019. DOI: 10.23919/CISTI.2019.8760630

Interactive television UI: Industry trends and disruptive design approaches


Abreu, J., Almeida, P., Varsovi, E., Fernandes, S. (2017). Interactive television UI: Industry trends and disruptive design approaches. In Abreu, J., Guerrero, M. Almeida, P. Silva, T. (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science Vol. 813.Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive TV – jAUTI 2017 (pp. 213-224). DOI: /10.1007/978-3-319-90170-1

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