The Media Eye-tracking Lab was established for the purpose of research in human-computer interaction using behavior analysis beyond users’ self-reported data. This includes monitoring eye movement, eye position, and pupil dilation.
Currently, we dispose the wearable eye-tracker Tobii Pro Glasses 3 with binocular tracking (50Hz sampling rate, 0.6° accuracy), one license for the Tobii Pro Lab, the Tobii Pro X3- with a sample of 120 Hz and one license for data analysis Tobii Studio – 3.4.8 installed in a z230 workstation, hp 2311x display, with a screen resolution of 1920×1080, and speakers. There is both a stable desktop system and a mobile system (mobile stand with a webcam) beyond the wearable one that can be used for different eye-tracking setups (e.g., testing a mobile app, website, TV, packaging). Eye-tracker can be synchronized with biosignals that are being considered for purchase.
This laboratory is mainly used by members of the DigiMedia research group to investigate the following areas: Game user experience and implications in game design; Gaze-control assisted technology and adaptive interfaces for being used by people with special needs ; User interface migration within a Smart Home Ecosystem; Visual attention in news consumption and Computer-mediated communication contexts.
The Media Eye-tracking Laboratory can be found in the DigiMedia Research Centre (room …) and access via appointment with …. Trainings for conducting eye-tracking research in the degree, master’s and doctoral curricula may be also established using the same contact.
DeCA, University of Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal