
DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction is an interdisciplinary research centre of the University of Aveiro focusing on innovation in the design of new interaction approaches for human-centered digital media applications.

Connector – A Geolocalised Mobile Social Service


Almeida, P., et al. (2011) “Connector – A Geolocalised Mobile Social Service”. Cruz-Cunha, M. M., Moreira, F. (Eds), Handbook of Research on Mobility and Computing: Evolving Technologies and Ubiquitous Impacts, IGI Global. 2011.

Consensus on the Terms and Procedures for Planning and Reporting a Usability Evaluation of Health-Related Digital Solutions: Delphi Study and a Resulting Checklist


Martins, A. I., Santinha, G., Almeida, A. M., Ribeiro, Ó., Silva, T., Rocha, N., & Silva, A. G. (2023). Consensus on the Terms and Procedures for Planning and Reporting a Usability Evaluation of Health-Related Digital Solutions: Delphi Study and a Resulting Checklist. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25.

Considerando a Questão da Interoperabilidade


Sacramento, E. R., Sardo, S., Miguel, A. F., Caixinha, H. J. M., & Cortês, C. (2022). Considerando a Questão da Interoperabilidade. Páginas A&b: Arquivos e Bibliotecas, 120–133.

Considerations on Information and Communication Overload Issue in Smart Cities


Batista, J., Marques, R. P. (2017). Considerations on Information and Communication Overload Issue in Smart Cities. In Ó. Mealha, M. Divitini, & M. Rehm (Eds.), Citizen, Territory and Technologies: Smart Learning Contexts and Practices, Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. (80), (pp. 129-136). DOI: /10.1007/978-3-319-61322-2_13

Construção de um quadro de referência para a conceção de estratégias de mediação digital em Inovação de base territorial


Tymoshchuk, O., Renó, D., Silva, P. A., Almeida, A.M., Antunes, M. J., Pedro, L. & Ramos, F. (2019). Construção de um quadro de referência para a conceção de estratégias de mediação digital em Inovação de base territorial. 26th APDR Congress – Evidence-based territorial policymaking: formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy, Aveiro, 1008-1016. URL:

Construction of a web-based geographical information system – the case of “Ria de Aveiro” region


Albuquerque, H., Martins, F., Raposo, R., & Cardoso, L.. (2015). “Construction of a web-based geographical information system – the case of “Ria de Aveiro” region.” Anatolia, 27(1), 71-81. DOI: /10.1080/13032917.2015.1083210

Construindo Confiança em Plataformas Digitais Para Partilhar Estilos de Vida Colaborativos em Contextos Sustentáveis


Sales, R. K. L., Amaro, A. C., & Baldi, V. (2021). Construindo Confiança em Plataformas Digitais Para Partilhar Estilos de Vida Colaborativos em Contextos Sustentáveis. Comunicação e Sociedade, 39, 223-247.

Content Aggregation on Streaming Media Devices: Assessment of Four Popular Market Solutions


Cardoso, B., & Abreu, J. (2021). Content Aggregation on Streaming Media Devices: Assessment of Four Popular Market Solutions. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1433, 15–27.

Content Unification in iTV to Enhance User Experience: The UltraTV Project.


Almeida, P., Abreu, J., Fernandes, S., Oliveira, E. (2018). Content Unification in iTV to Enhance User Experience: The UltraTV Project.  Proceedings of ACM TVX’18 – Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video, Seoul, Korea,  pp.167-172. 

Content Unification: A Trend Reshaping the iTV Ecosystem.


Abreu J., Almeida P., Fernandes S., Velhinho A., Rodrigues A. (2018). Content Unification: A Trend Reshaping the iTV Ecosystem. In: Clua E., Roque L., Lugmayr A., Tuomi P. (eds) Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2018. ICEC 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11112, pp 297-300.  

Conteúdos criados pelos utilizadores: Motivações para a produção e consumo.


Antunes, M. J. (2022). Conteúdos criados pelos utilizadores: Motivações para a produção e consumo. Em G. A. Torres Vargas (Ed.), Las prácticas sociales en la producción, la distribución y el acceso a la información mediadas por las tecnologías digitales. UNAM. Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas y de la Información.

Corporate relevance of UX Writing contributions for a Design Language System.


de Azevedo, M. R., Bóia, F. M., & Mealha, Ó. (2022). Corporate relevance of UX Writing contributions for a Design Language System. 2022 17th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 1–6.

Could I do it again? One-time experiences of Erasmus mobility teachers.


Santos, C. A., Barbosa, B., Filipe, S., Pinheiro, M., Simões, D., Dias, G. P. (2017, september). Could I do it again? One-time experiences of Erasmus mobility teachers. Paper presented at ICLEL 2017 – 3rd International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Porto, Portugal.

COVID-19 no Instagram: práticas de comunicação estratégica das autoridades de saúde durante a pandemia


Pinto, P. A., Brasileiro, F. S., & Antunes, M. J. , & A. A. M. P. (2020). COVID-19 no Instagram: práticas de comunicação estratégica das autoridades de saúde durante a pandemia. Comunicação Pública, 15(29).

Crachás: como usar? Um MOOC na formação de professores


Araújo, I., Santos, C., Pedro, L., Batista, J. (2017). Crachás: como usar? Um MOOC na formação de professores. In Cristina, P., Juan, M. D., Maria, J. S. (Eds.), Atas do XIX Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa e VIII Encontro do CIED – III Encontro Internacional, (pp 258-263). Retrieved from

Creating and sharing personal TV channels in iTV


TELES, B.; ALMEIDA, P.; ABREU, J. (2012).
Creating and sharing personal TV channels in iTV, In: Adjunct Proceedings of the 10th European Interactive TV Conference (EuroITV 2012 – Bridging People, Places and Platforms). A., Stefan; S., Stephan; Knoche, H.; Hess, J. (eds.). Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems, FOKUS, ISBN: 978-3-00-038715-9, p. 100-103

Creating New Learning Experiences for Students with Dyslexia: A Design Thinking and Human-Centered Approach


Bulhões, J., Signoretti, A., & Almeida, A. M. (2020). Creating New Learning Experiences for Students with Dyslexia: A Design Thinking and Human-Centered Approach. 4th International Conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development, SLERD. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies,158, 261 – 268. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-13-9652-6_23

Creating online video lessons in D-VET courses – A Case study – 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) – 2023


Creating online video lessons in D-VET courses - A Case study - 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI) - 2023

Creating online vídeo lessons in D-VET courses – A case study


Oliveira D., Moreira, F.T., Oliveira, A. (2023). Creating online vídeo lessons in D-VET courses – A case study. 18th th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). Aveiro, Portugal.

Creation of digital games as a means of environmental awareness: Exploring a tool to support the creation of digital games by young adults


Suandique, T., Beça, P., & Aresta, M. (2022). Creation of digital games as a means of environmental awareness: Exploring a tool to support the creation of digital games by young adults. RISTI- Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacão, 47.

Creation of digital games for environmental awareness by young adult students: Systematization and critical analysis of the process.


Suandique, T., Beça, P., & Aresta, M. (2022). Creation of digital games for environmental awareness by young adult students: Systematization and critical analysis of the process. roceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation (Game-On’2022). 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation (Game-On’2022), Lisbon.

Creative Process for Designing a Hybrid Game for Nutrition Education


Reisinho P., Silva C., Zagalo N., Vairinhos M., Oliveira A.P. (2021) Creative Processfor Designing a Hybrid Game for Nutrition Education. In: Reis A., Barroso J., LopesJ.B., Mikropoulos T., Fan CW. (eds) Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teachingand Education. TECH-EDU 2020. Communications in Computer and InformationScience, vol 1384. Springer, Cham.

Creative Process of Pre-production of Video Games


Sánchez, R., Zagalo, N. & Gómez, S. (2021). Creative Process of Pre-production of Video Games. In Interactivity and Game Creation. Springer. 198–211.

Cross-media Environment based on iTV to Generate Personalized Web-based Contents as Additional Information to Documentary Videos


Prata, A., Abreu, J., Chambel, T. (2022). Cross-media Environment based on iTV to Generate Personalized Web-based Contents as Additional Information to Documentary Videos, jAUTI 2022, Universidade de Cordoba, 17-18 Novembro 2022



Felgueiras, M. L., Tymoshchuk, O., Saborano, S., Breia, I., & Resende, M. (2022). CULTURAL HERITAGE AND EDUCATION: WHAT RELATIONSHIP? EDULEARN22 Proceedings, 7755– 7764.

Cultural Heritage as the Genetic Code of Societies and the Role of Digital Technologies in its Preservation


Oliveira, L., Amaro, A. C., & Melro, A. (2022). Cultural Heritage as the Genetic Code of Societies and the Role of Digital Technologies in its Preservation. ESSACHESS – Journal for Communication Studies, 15(1(29)), Art. 1(29).

Curriculum and training model proposal for infocomunicational competences acquisition in prison: A Case Study in Two Portuguese Prisons.


Graça, D. & Oliveira, L. (2018). Curriculum and training model proposal for infocomunicational competences acquisition in prison: A Case Study in Two Portuguese Prisons, In: Oliveira, L. & Graça, D., Infocommunication Skills as a Rehabilitation and Social Reintegration Tool for Inmates, Cap.3, pp. 46-85.  

Cycling through 360° Virtual Reality Tourism for Senior Citizens: Empirical Analysis of an Assistive Technology


Ortet, C. P., Veloso, A. I., & Vale Costa, L. (2022). Cycling through 360° Virtual Reality Tourism for Senior Citizens: Empirical Analysis of an Assistive Technology. Sensors, 22(16), Art. 16.

Defining Recommendations to Guide User Interface Design: Multimethod Approach


Diehl, C., Martins, A., Almeida, A., Silva, T., Ribeiro, Ó., Santinha, G., Rocha, N., & Silva, A. G. (2022). Defining Recommendations to Guide User Interface Design: Multimethod Approach. JMIR Human Factors, 9(3), e37894.

Defining the Mechanisms for Engagement Design Protocol Towards the Development of Analogue and Hybrid Serious Games: Learning from FlavourGame


Sousa M., Oliveira A.P., Cardoso P., Zagalo N. & Vairinhos M. (2021). Defining the Mechanisms for Engagement Design Protocol Towards the Development of Analogue and Hybrid Serious Games: Learning from FlavourGame. In: Fletcher B., Ma M., Göbel S., Baalsrud Hauge J., Marsh T. (eds) Serious Games. JCSG 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12945. Springer, Cham.

Delivering Information of General Interest Through Interactive Television: A Taxonomy of Assistance Services for the Elderly Society


Campelo, D., Caravau, H., Silva, T., Abreu, J. (2016). Delivering Information of General Interest Through Interactive Television: A Taxonomy of Assistance Services for the Elderly Society. Universal Access in the Information Society. ISSN: 1615-5289

Delivering Information of General Interest Through Interactive Television: A Taxonomy of Assistance Services for the Portuguese Elderly.


Silva T., Campelo D., Caravau H., de Abreu J.F. (2018). Delivering Information of General Interest Through Interactive Television: A Taxonomy of Assistance Services for the Portuguese Elderly. In: Röcker C., O’Donoghue J., Ziefle M., Maciaszek L., Molloy W. (eds) Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health. ICT4AWE 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 869. 

Desafios no Desenvolvimento de Competências Comunicacionais nos Cursos de Licenciatura das Universidades do Nordeste Brasileiro


Silva, E., Ramos, F., & Batista, J. (2017). Desafios no Desenvolvimento de Competências Comunicacionais nos Cursos de Licenciatura das Universidades do Nordeste Brasileiro. Ciências da Informação, Competências Infocomunicacionais em ambientes digitais: desafios para o século XXI, Vol. (45) (2), (pp. 26-40). DOI: /10.18225/ci.inf..v45i2.3801

Description of an integrated e-health monitoring system in a Portuguese higher education institution: the e.cuidHaMUs program


Brandão, M. P., Sa-Couto, P., Gomes, G., & Beça, P. (2021). Description of an integrated e-health monitoring system in a Portuguese higher education institution: the e.cuidHaMUs program. Global Health Promotion, 175797592098422.

Design and development of a gait training system for Parkinson’s disease.


Garzo, A., Silva, P. A., Garay-Vitoria, N., Hernandez, E., Cullen, S., Cock, V. C. D., … Villing, R. (2018). Design and development of a gait training system for Parkinson’s disease. PLOS ONE, 13(11), e0207136. 

Design and development of a gait training system for Parkinson’s disease.


Garzo, A., Silva, P. A., Garay-Vitoria, N., Hernandez, E., Cullen, S., Cock, V. C. D., … Villing, R. (2018). Design and development of a gait training system for Parkinson’s disease. PLOS ONE, 13(11), e0207136. 

Design and evaluation of a computer game for the learning of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) concepts by physical education and sport science students


Couceiro, R. M., Papastergiou, M., Kordaki, M., & Veloso, A. I. (2013). Design and evaluation of a computer game for the learning of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) concepts by physical education and sport science students. Education and Information Technologies 18(3), pp 531-554. Print ISSN: 1360-2357. Cover date 2013-09-01. DOI: 10.1007/s10639-011-9179-3

Design approach of mathematics learning activities in a digital environment for children with autism spectrum disorders


Santos, M. I., Breda, A., & Almeida, A. M. (2017). Design approach of mathematics learning activities in a digital environment for children with autism spectrum disorders. Educational Technology Research and Development, Vol. (65) (5), (pp. 1305-1323). DOI: /10.1007/s11423-017-9525-2

Design is in the House: Basic Concepts to Understand the Role of Design in the Creation of the Club Experience.


Lugo-Elías, C., & Cardoso, P. (2022). Design is in the House: Basic Concepts to Understand the Role of Design in the Creation of the Club Experience. Em N. Martins & D. Brandão (Eds.), Advances in Design and Digital Communication II (pp. 517–527). Springer International Publishing.

Designing a collaborative storytelling platform to enrich digital cultural heritage archives and collective memory


Velhinho, A., Alves, M., Almeida, P., Pedro, L. (aceite). Designing a collaborative storytelling platform to enrich digital cultural heritage archives and collective memory. In: Marcus, A., Rosenzweig, E., Soares, M.M. (eds) Design, User Experience, and Usability. HCII 2024. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Cham.

Designing a Framework for Rural Community-Based Collaborative Cultural Mapping: The Fontoura Project


Silva, M., & Raposo, R. (2023, May). Designing a Framework for Rural Community-Based Collaborative Cultural Mapping: The Fontoura Project. In International Conference on Tourism Research (Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 305-313).

Designing a methodological process to identify the most suited recognition technique for elderly users of interactive T


SILVA, T., ABREU, J. (2015). Designing a methodological process to identify the most suited recognition technique for elderly users of interactive T. In Abasolo, M. & Kuleska, R., CCIS, Series: Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 389, 120-134,

Designing a video library for senior users of iTV.


Mota, M., Caravau, H., Silva, T. (2017, october). Designing a video library for senior users of iTV. Paper session presented at 6th Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive TV (jAUTI’17), Aveiro, Portugal.

Designing and validating the gamification strategy model of a digital platform to promote extracurricular projects in K-12 schools – The GENE gamification strategy model


Santos, C., Pedro, L., Carvalho, A. R., & Ferreira, L. (accepted). Designing and validating the gamification strategy model of a digital platform to promote extracurricular projects in K-12 schools – The GENE gamification strategy model. 18a Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação (CISTI’2023).

Designing DMO Communication Strategies Through the Use of a Step-by-Step Model


Roque, V., & Raposo, R. (2021). Designing DMO Communication Strategies Through the Use of a Step-by-Step Model. In Handbook of Research on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and ICTs (pp. 306-330). IGI Global. DOI:10.4018/978-1-7998-4099-2.ch014

Designing DMO Communication Strategies Through the Use of a Step-by-Step Model


Roque, V., & Raposo, R. (2021). Designing DMO Communication Strategies Through the Use of a Step-by-Step Model. In Handbook of Research on Multidisciplinary Approaches to Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and ICTs (pp. 306-330). IGI Global.

Designing Entertainment for the Aging Population.


Silva, P. A., & Masoodian, M. (2018). Designing Entertainment for the Aging Population. In E. Clua, L. Roque, A. Lugmayr, & P. Tuomi (Eds.), Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2018 (pp. 345–348). 

Designing for Viral Infection Awareness through PLAYMUTATION


Costa, L., Proença, F., Passos, A., Zagalo, N., Nogueira, T., Duarte, M., Ortet, C. (2023, April 12-15). Designing for Viral Infection Awareness through PLAYMUTATION. CUMULUS Connectivity, and Creativity in times of Conflict – Nature positive/Design for Transformation, CUMULUS Association International Association of Universities and College of Arts, Design and Media, Proceedings Series No 9, University of Antwerp, p.181-184. ISBN 978-94-0149-676XX

Designing Visual Interfaces to Support Voice Input: The case of a TV application to request help in daily life tasks


Santos, R., Beja, J., Rodrigues, M., & Martins, C. (2019). Designing Visual Interfaces to Support Voice Input: The case of a TV application to request help in daily life tasks. Proceedings of the XX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interacción ’19), ACM, New York, USA, Article 10, 8 pages. DOI:

Determination of the Smartness of a University Campus: the case study of Aveiro


Galego, D., Giovannella, C., Mealha, O. (2016). Determination of the Smartness of a University Campus: the case study of Aveiro. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences | 2nd International Symposium New Metropolitan Perspective: Strategic Planning, Spatial Planning, Economic Programs and Decision Support Tools. – ISTH2020, 223, 147 –152. DOI:10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.05.336

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