
DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction is an interdisciplinary research centre of the University of Aveiro focusing on innovation in the design of new interaction approaches for human-centered digital media applications.

Building datasets for automated conversational systems designed for use-cases.


Camargo, J., Nunes, J., Antunes, M. J., Mealha, Ó., Abrantes, C., & Nóbrega, L. (2022). Building datasets for automated conversational systems designed for use-cases. 2022 International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET), 1–4.

Building informative audio-visual content automatically: a process to define the key aspects.


Silva, T., Reis, R., Silva, C., Caravau, H. (2017, october). Building informative audio-visual content automatically: a process to define the key aspects. Paper session presented at 6th Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive TV (jAUTI’17), Aveiro, Portugal

Building Liber Domus—The development of a 3D digital role-playing educational game for 6th grade mathematics education


Sampaio, L., Silva, R., Nunes, E., Gavaia, B., & Rodrigues, R. (2022, fevereiro). Building Liber Domus—The development of a 3D digital role-playing educational game for 6th grade mathematics education [Oral presentation]. International Conference on The Impact of Video Games on Culture and Education.

Building up Digital identity in Higher Education


ARESTA, M., SANTOS, C., PEDRO, L., MOREIRA, A. (2012). Building up Digital identity in Higher Education. In S. Warburton and S. Hatzipanagos (Eds.), Digital Identity and Social Media. London: IGI Global, 176-191.

Building/customization of educational scenarios for Immersive Web Environments.


Carvalho, R., Ferreira, M., Cleto, B., Paralta, V., Silva, V., Santos, C., Zagalo, N., Vairinhos, M., & Ramos, F. (2022, fevereiro 19). Building/customization of educational scenarios for Immersive Web Environments. ICEM 2022 - Conference of the International Council for Educational Media., Portugal.

Business Process Automation in SMEs


Moreira, S., Mamede, H.S., Santos, A. (2023). Business Process Automation in SMEs. In: Papadaki, M., Rupino da Cunha, P., Themistocleous, M., Christodoulou, K. (eds) Information Systems. EMCIS 2022. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 464. Springer, Cham.

Can Smartphones Promote Cancer Prevention Behaviours in Healthy Young Adults? A Prospective Study.


Ribeiro, N., Moreira, L., Almeida, A. M. P., & Santos-Silva, F. (2018). Can Smartphones Promote Cancer Prevention Behaviours in Healthy Young Adults? A Prospective Study. Journal of Cancer Education, 1–7. 

Can Smartphones Promote Cancer Prevention Behaviours in Healthy Young Adults? A Prospective Study.


Ribeiro, N., Moreira, L., Almeida, A. M. P., & Santos-Silva, F. (2018). Can Smartphones Promote Cancer Prevention Behaviours in Healthy Young Adults? A Prospective Study. Journal of Cancer Education, 1–7. 

Categories of Business English Communicative Skills: A Proposal


Carvalho, T., Almeida, P., Balula, A. (2017) Categories of Business English Communicative Skills: A Proposal. In Gómez Chova, L., López Martínez, A., Candel Torres, I. (Eds), EDULEARN17 – 9th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. EDULEARN17 Proceedings (pp. 6542-6549). DOI: /10.21125/edulearn.2017.2486

Categories of Business English Communicative Skills: A Proposal.


Carvalho, T., Almeida, P., Balula, A. (2017, july) Categories of Business English Communicative Skills: A Proposal. Paper session presented at EDULEARN17 – 9th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain.

Categorising the Sonic Experience in the Soundscapes of Videogames.


Ribeiro, J. P., Carvalhais, M., & Cardoso, P. (2022). Categorising the Sonic Experience in the Soundscapes of Videogames. Em D. Raposo, J. Neves, & J. Silva (Eds.), Perspectives on Design II: Research, Education and Practice (pp. 269–285). Springer International Publishing.

CBL no 1o ano do Mestrado em Comunicação e Tecnologia Web


Santos, C., & Beça, P. (2022, julho 19). CBL no 1o ano do Mestrado em Comunicação e Tecnologia Web [Poster]. Fórum de Ensino e Aprendizagem | Teaching & Learning Forum, Aveiro, Portugal.

Cenários de aprendizagem ubíqua: Novos desafios.


Aresta, M., Fernandes, A., & Ribeiro, A. I. (2022). Cenários de aprendizagem ubíqua: Novos desafios. Em A. Fernandes, C. Cravo, & F. V. de Castro (Eds.), Desafios Curriculares no Séc. XXI. Coimbra University Press.

Challenges of developing a mobile game for children with down syndrome to test gestural interface


Nascimento, L. S., Zagalo, N., & Martins, L. B. (2020). Challenges of developing a mobile game for children with down syndrome to test gestural interface. Information (Switzerland), 11(3).

Challenges to incorporate accountability into artificial intelligence


Baldi, V., & Oliveira, L. (2022). Challenges to incorporate accountability into artificial intelligence. Procedia Computer Science, (204), 519-523.

Character Design: The Case of Characters in a Hybrid Serious Game Called FlavourGame.


Martins, D., Pereira, L., Oliveira, A. P., & Zagalo, N. (2022). Character Design: The Case of Characters in a Hybrid Serious Game Called FlavourGame. Advances in Design and Digital Communication II. 5th International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, Digicom 2021, Barcelos, Portugal.

Character Design: The Case of Characters in a Hybrid Serious Game Called FlavourGame.


Martins, D., Pereira, L., Oliveira, A.P. & Zagalo, N. (2022). Character Design: The Case of Characters in a Hybrid Serious Game Called FlavourGame. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication II. DIGICOM 2021. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 19, pp. 183–194. Springer, Cham. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-89735-2_16. URL:

Cibersegurança ou uma questão de sobrevivência?


Oliveira, D. M. D. (2022, abril 5). Cibersegurança ou uma questão de sobrevivência? [Oral presentation]. Dias da Comunicação Social. Escola Superior de Educação de Viseu/IPV, Viseu, Portugal.

Circum-navegando as repercussões socio-mediáticas do contexto pandémico – Introdução


Baldi, V. (2021). Circum-navegando as repercussões socio-mediáticas do contexto pandémico - Introdução. Revista Observatório (OBS*), Special Issue. 1-2.

Citizen-driven dashboards in smart ecosystems: a framework


Mealha, Ó. (2016). Citizen-driven dashboards in smart ecosystems: a framework. Interaction Design and Architecture (S) – Proceedings of 1st Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development Conference

Citizen’s interactions in ‘Smart game-playing environments’.


Costa, L. V., Veloso, A. I., Mealha, Ó (2018). Citizen’s interactions in ‘Smart game-playing environments’. 19th Annual European GAME-ON® Conference on Simulation and AI in Computer Game (GAME-ON®’2018), Abertay University, Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Clustering and Classifying Text Documents – A Revisit to Tagging Integration Methods


Cunha, E., Figueira, Á., & Mealha, Ó. (2013). Clustering and Classifying Text Documents – A Revisit to Tagging Integration Methods. In KDIR 2013 – 5th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and KMIS 2013 – 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, Proc. (pp. 160–168). Vilamoura, Portugal: SciTePress, ISBN: 978-989856575-4.

Clustering documents using tagging communities and semantic proximity


Cunha, E. F. da, Figueira, Á., & Mealha, Ó. (2013). Clustering documents using tagging communities and semantic proximity. In Á. Rocha, L. P. Reis, M. P. Cota, M. Painho, & M. C. Neto (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI 2013) (pp. 1–6). Lisbon. Portugal: IEEE Explore, ISBN 978-989-98434-0-0.

Co-creation Stage: a Web-based Tool for Collaborative and Participatory Co-located Art Performances


Rivas Pagador, H., Dominguez, A., Masneri, S., Tamayo, I., Zorrilla, M., Almeida, P., ... & Cesar, P. (2021). Co-creation Stage: a Web-based Tool for Collaborative and Participatory Co-located Art Performances. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (pp. 267-274).

Co-design and shared practices: an overview of processes of learning in non-formal educational contexts


Santos Moura, I., & Baldi, V. (2021). Co-design and shared practices: an overview of processes of learning in non-formal educational contexts. 6th conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development. Springer.

Co-design and Shared Practices: An Overview of Processes of Learning in Nonformal Educational Contexts.


Moura I.S., Baldi V. (2022) Co-design and Shared Practices: An Overview of Processes of Learning in Nonformal Educational Contexts. In: Mealha Ó., Dascalu M., Di Mascio T. (eds) “Ludic, Co-design and Tools Supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies”, vol 249. (p. 179-188). Springer, Singapore.

Co-designing with Senior Citizens: A Systematic Literature Review


Machado S., Costa L.V., Mealha Ó. (2021) Co-designing with Senior Citizens: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Gao Q., Zhou J. (eds) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology Design and Acceptance. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12786. Springer, Cham.

Co-designing with Senior Citizens: A Systematic Literature Review.


Machado, S., Costa, L. V., & Mealha, Ó. (2021). Co-designing with Senior Citizens: A Systematic Literature Review. Em Q. Gao & J. Zhou (Eds.), Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology Design and Acceptance (pp. 61–73). Springer International Publishing. M

Communication framework for emergency rescue services enhanced by personal health monitoring solutions: methodological approach


Mano, L., Almeida, A. M. (2011) “Communication framework for emergency rescue services enhanced by personal health monitoring solutions: methodological approach”, Cruz-Cunha, M, et al (Eds). HCist 2011 – International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, Springer. CCIS series (Communications in Computer and Information Science), Volume 221, Vilamoura, Portugal, p. 337-346. 2011.

Communication Overload in Online Communities in Higher Education: A Case Study


Batista, J., Santos, H., & Marques, R. P. (2022). Communication Overload in Online Communities in Higher Education: A Case Study. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI), 18, 1–16.

Communication-Driven Digital Learning Environments: 10 years of Research and Development of the Campus Platform.


Pedro, L., & Santos, C. (2022). Communication-Driven Digital Learning Environments: 10 years of Research and Development of the Campus Platform. Em M. Ivanović, A. Klašnja- Milićević, & L. C. Jain (Eds.), Handbook on Intelligent Techniques in the Educational Process: Vol 1 Recent Advances and Case Studies (pp. 341–359). Springer International Publishing.

Community based Tourism as a roadmap for diversification and sustainability of Fontoura


Silva, M., & Raposo, R. (2022). Community based Tourism as a roadmap for diversification and sustainability of Fontoura [Oral presentation]. TWINE Conference - Co-creating sustainable rural tourism experiences with food & wine, local culture, landscapes, and people. UA Editora.

Comparing a Large-Scale Display and an Interactive Projector for One-to-Many Mixed Reality (MR) Remote Collaboration


Marques, B., Silva, S., Dias, P., & Santos, B. S. (2022a, dezembro 1). Comparing a Large-Scale Display and an Interactive Projector for One-to-Many Mixed Reality (MR) Remote Collaboration [Poster]. 2022 ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, New York, NY, USA.

Competências infocomunicacionais em ambientes digitais


Borges, J., & Oliveira, L. (2011). Competências infocomunicacionais em ambientes digitais. Observatorio, 5(4). Retrived from:

Complexidade e Informacionalismo nos serviços de TV Digital Interativa para seniores


Campelo, D., Silva, T., Abreu, J. (2016). Complexidade e Informacionalismo nos serviços de TV Digital Interativa para seniores. RISTI – Complexidade e Informacionalismo nos serviços de TV Digital Interativa para seniores

Computational media and the paradox of permanence.


Carvalhais, M., Cardoso, P. (2023). Computational media and the paradox of permanence. Journal of Digital Media and Interaction, 6(15), 31-42.

Computational Thinking as an Educational Trend in Education: some reflections


Pinheiro, M. M., Albuquerque, C., Moreira, F. T., Torres, J. V., & Sousa, J. M. (2023). Computational Thinking as an Educational Trend in Education: some reflections. EDULEARN23 Proceedings, 3113–3121.

Conceção de um framework para a implementação do eLearning em contexto empresarial


Costa, C. M. P., & Santos, A. M. P. dos. (2022). Conceção de um framework para a implementação do eLearning em contexto empresarial. RE@D - Revista de Educação a Distância e Elearning, 5(2), Art. 2.

Conceção de uma plataforma de mediação digital para a Região Centro


Renó, D., Silva, P. A., Almeida, A. M., Ramos, F., Pedro, L., Antunes, M.J., & Tymoshchuk, O. (2019). Conceção de uma plataforma de mediação digital para a Região Centro. 26th APDR Congress – Evidence-based territorial policymaking: formulation, implementation and evaluation of policy, Aveiro, 1194- 1199. URL:

Conceção de uma plataforma digital colaborativa para preservação da memória do Festival Guarnicê de Cinema: definição de requisitos funcionais e genéricos


Lobo, J., Antunes, M.J. (2017). Conceção de uma plataforma digital colaborativa para preservação da memória do Festival Guarnicê de Cinema: definição de requisitos funcionais e genéricos. In i2ADS – Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade (Ed.), #16.ART. Livro Atas 16th International Meeting of Art and Technology: imagining the real (pp. 534-541). Retrieved from:

Conceção de uma plataforma digital colaborativa para preservação da memória do Festival Guarnicê de Cinema: definição de requisitos funcionais e genéricos.


Lobo, J., Antunes, M.J. (2017, october). Conceção de uma plataforma digital colaborativa para preservação da memória do Festival Guarnicê de Cinema: definição de requisitos funcionais e genéricos. Paper session presented at 16th International Meeting of Art and Technology: imagining the real, Porto, Portugal.

Conceptualization of a Dialectic Between an Internet of Things System and Cultural Heritage.


Melro, A., Oliveira, L., & Amaro, A. C. (2022). Conceptualization of a Dialectic Between an Internet of Things System and Cultural Heritage. Em T. Guarda, S. Anwar, M. Leon, & F. J. Mota Pinto (Eds.), Information and Knowledge in Internet of Things (pp. 407–424). Springer International Publishing.

Conceptualization of a mobile application aimed at refugees in Portugal.


Baldi, V. Ribeiro, A (2018). Conceptualization of a mobile application aimed at refugees in Portugal. 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), pp1-6.

Conceptualization of Hypersituation as Result of IoT in Education


Moreira F.T., Vairinhos M., & Ramos F. (2021) Conceptualization of Hypersituation as Result of IoT in Education. In: Mealha Ó., Rehm M., Rebedea T. (eds) Ludic, Co-design and Tools Supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 197. Springer, Singapore.

Conceptualization of PhysioFun Game A low-cost videogame for home-based stroke rehabilitation


Ribeiro, T., Veloso, A.I. & Costa, R. (2016). ”Conceptualization of PhysioFun Game A low-cost videogame for home-based stroke rehabilitation”. In Proceedings of TISHW – 1st International Conference on Technology and Innovation is Sports, Health and Wellbeing, Special Track “Digital games in assistive environments”. December 1-3, 2016 – UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal.

Conceptualization of PhysioFun Game: A low-cost videogame for home-based stroke rehabilitation


Ribeiro, T., Veloso, A.I. & Costa, R. (2017). Conceptualization of PhysioFun Game: A low-cost videogame for home-based stroke rehabilitation. Conference Proceedings of TISHW – 1st International Conference on Technology and Innovation is Sports, Health and Wellbeing, Special Track “Digital games in assistive environments”, Vila Real, Portugal, (pp. #18) DOI: 10.1109/TISHW.2016.7847787

Conceptualization of PhysioFun Game: A low-cost videogame for home-based stroke rehabilitation.


Ribeiro, T., Veloso, A.I. & Costa, R. (2017, december). Conceptualization of PhysioFun Game: A low-cost videogame for home-based stroke rehabilitation. Paper session presented at TISHW – 1st International Conference on Technology and Innovation is Sports, Health and Wellbeing, Vila Real, Portugal.

Concurrent Distractions: A Cross-Cultural Study of Media Multitasking Behavior


Croyle, A., Askarinejad, F., Schofield, D., & Abreu, J. (2022). Concurrent Distractions: A Cross-Cultural Study of Media Multitasking Behavior. American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR), 6(1). PDF Link

Connect Elderly to Other Generations Through iTV: Evaluating Notifications’ Potential.


Camargo, J., Silva, T., & Abreu, J. (2021). Connect Elderly to Other Generations Through iTV: Evaluating Notifications’ Potential. Em M. J. Abásolo & G. F. Olmedo Cifuentes (Eds.), Applications and Usability of Interactive TV. Springer Nature Switzerland.

Connecting families and schools of students with deafness: describing the ICT and internet use in education


Capitão, S., Almeida, A. M., Vieira, R. (2012) “Connecting families and schools of students with deafness: describing the ICT and internet use in education”. DSAI, 4th International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion. Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier N. 14, 2012, pp 163-172. 2012.

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