
DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction is an interdisciplinary research centre of the University of Aveiro focusing on innovation in the design of new interaction approaches for human-centered digital media applications.

Towards a Proposal of an Application to Promote Volunteering through Television to Help Older Adults.


Santos, R., Caravau, H., Martins, A. I., Martins, C., & Rodrigues, M. (2018). Towards a Proposal of an Application to Promote Volunteering through Television to Help Older Adults. In Panagiotis D. Bamidis, M. Ziefle, & L. Maciaszek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (pp. 192–199). 

Towards a TV interaction model to elicit user preferences on a recommender system of informative videos


Campelo, D., Silva T., Abreu, J. (2017). Towards a TV interaction model to elicit user preferences on a recommender system of informative videos. In Abreu, J., Guerrero, M. Almeida, P. Silva, T. (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science Vol. 813.Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive TV – jAUTI 2017 (pp. 172-183). DOI: /10.1007/978-3-319-90170-1

Towards Asynchronous Mixed Reality Remote Guidance supported by a Virtual Assistant: Proposal of a Conceptual Model


B. Marques, S. Silva, A. Teixeira, J. Alves, P. Dias, B. S. Santos (2023). “Towards Asynchronous Mixed Reality Remote Guidance supported by a Virtual Assistant: Proposal of a Conceptual Model”. International Workshop on eXtended Reality for Industrial and Occupational Supports (XRIOS). IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), IEEE VR, 1- 5.

Tracing the emerging use of Communication Technologies in Higher Education: a literature review


PINTO, M., SOUZA F., NOGUEIRA F., BALULA A., PEDRO L., POMBO L., RAMOS, F., MOREIRA, A. (2012). Tracing the emerging use of Communication Technologies in Higher Education: a literature review. In Markus Helfert, Maria João Martins, José Cordeiro (Eds.), CSEDU 2012 – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Volume 2. Porto, Portugal. ISBN 978-989-8565-07-5.

Training Natural Language Understanding for the TV Context: A Visual Stimuli Approach for the Elicitation Process


Santos, R., Ferraz de Abreu, J., Almeida, P., Beça, P., & Marques, T. (2020). TrainingNatural Language Understanding for the TV Context: A Visual Stimuli Approach for theElicitation Process. In M. J. Abásolo, R. Kulesza & J. D. Pina Amargós (Eds),Applications and Usability of Interactive TV. 8th Iberoamerican Conference, jAUTI.Springer International Publishing.

Training Natural Language Understanding for the TV Context: A Visual Stimuli Approach for the Elicitation Process


Santos, R., de Abreu, J., Almeida, P., Beça, P., & Marques, T. (2020). Training NaturalLanguage Understanding for the TV Context: A Visual Stimuli Approach for theElicitation Process. In Communications in Computer and Information Science (pp. 89–102).

Transmedia in Geosciences Education


Peixoto, E., Pedro, L., & Vieira, R. (2022). Transmedia in Geosciences Education. Geosciences, 12(4), Art. 4.

Transmedia narratives in the teaching and learning of mathematics: challenges in the practice of the teacher as an orchestrator


PEREIRA, M., PEDRO, L. (2023). Transmedia narratives in the teaching and learning of mathematics: challenges in the practice of the teacher as an orchestrator. Digital Education Review (43), 102-113.

Tribal Marketing: Portuguesa Adaptation and preliminary psychometric results of tribalism, team brand loyalty, team brand value and personal/group identity questionnaire


de Almeida, H. M. R., Simões, D., Silva, C., & Bem-Haja, P. (2017). Tribal Marketing: Portuguesa Adaptation and preliminary psychometric results of tribalism, team brand loyalty, team brand value and personal/group identity questionnaire. Revista Espacios, Vol. (38) (29), (pp.3186-3191).

Trust and Credibility in e-Health Interface


Sousa, A., Almeida, A. M. (2014). Trust and Credibility in e-Health Interface”. Revista de Saúde Pública, 48, 23-23.In: 2nd IPLeiria International Heatlh Congress Abstracts. São Paulo, Brasil.

TV Concierge: A Proposal for an Interactive TV Recommendation System Based on Viewing Context.


Cardoso, B., Abreu, J. (2017). TV Concierge: A Proposal for an Interactive TV Recommendation System Based on Viewing Context. In Abreu, J., Guerrero, M. Almeida, P. Silva, T. (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science Vol. 813.Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive TV – jAUTI 2017 (pp. 80-89). DOI: /10.1007/978-3-319-90170-1

TV Discovery & Enjoy: a New Approach to Help Users Finding the Right TV Program to Watch


ABREU, J.; ALMEIDA, P.; TELES, B. (2014). TV Discovery & Enjoy: a New Approach to Help Users Finding the Right TV Program to Watch. In proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experience of Television and Online Video (TVX2014). New York, NY: ACM. Url:

TV interaction as a non-invasive sensor for monitoring elderly well-being at home


Abreu, J., Oliveira, R., Garcia-Crespo, A., & Rodriguez-Goncalves, R. (2021). TV interaction as a non-invasive sensor for monitoring elderly well-being at home. Sensors, 21(20), art. no. 6897.

TV Notifications: understanding elderly citizens’ perceptions of its potential to reduce social isolation


Camargo, J., Abreu, J., Silva. T. (2022). TV Notifications: understanding elderly citizens' perceptions of its potential to reduce social isolation. jAUTI 2022, Universidade de Cordoba, 17-18 Novembro 2022

TV Notifications: understanding elderly citizens’ perceptions of its potential to reduce social isolation


Camargo, J., Abreu, J., Silva. T. (2022). TV Notifications: understanding elderly citizens' perceptions of its potential to reduce social isolation. jAUTI 2022, Universidade de Cordoba, 17-18 Novembro 2022.

TV Personalization: mixing linear and on-demand content in the living room


Cardoso, B., & Abreu, J. (2019, no prelo). TV Personalization: mixing linear and on-demand content in the living room. International Journal of Entertainment Technology and Management (IJENTTM).

TV Remote Control and Older Adults: A Systematic Literature Review


Carvalho, D., Silva, T., & Abreu, J. (2021). TV Remote Control and Older Adults: A Systematic Literature Review. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1433, 119–133.

Typographic Features on Distance Estimation with Head-Mounted Displays,


Vairinhos, M., Silvino A. Dias, L., M. Typographic Features on Distance Estimation with Head-Mounted Displays, 2016. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Alternate Realities. ACM, New York, NY, USA, Pages: 15-20, doi>10.1145/2983298.2983300, ISBN 978-1-4503-4521-7

Typography: the constant vector of dynamic logos


Lelis, C., Leitão, S., Mealha, Ó., & Dunning, B. (2020). Typography: the constant vector of dynamic logos. Visual Communication.

UI Design for a iTV platform: an iterative approach.


Fernandes, S., Velhinho, A., Abreu, J., Almeida, P. (2018). UI Design for a iTV platform: an iterative approach. Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Palma. 

UltraTV: an iTV content unification prototype.


Almeida, P., Abreu, J., ET AL. (2018). UltraTV: an iTV content unification prototype.  Proceedings of ACM TVX’18 – Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video, Seoul, Korea. 

Uncovering literacy practices in the game total war: Shogun 2 with a contract-agency model


Neves, P. P., Morgado, L., & Zagalo, N. (2020). Uncovering literacy practices in the game total war: Shogun 2 with a contract-agency model. International Journal of Film and Media Arts, 5(1), 36–47.

Understanding the role of communication and mediation strategies in community-led territorial innovation: a systematic review


Silva, P. A., Tymoshchuk, O., Almeida, A. M., Pedro, L., & Ramos, F. (2020). Understanding the role of communication and mediation strategies in community-led territorial innovation: a systematic review. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A), (44), 7–28.

Universal design and empathic design for engineers


Kamińska, D., Zwoliński, G., Pinto-Coelho, L., & Raposo, R. (2023). Universal design and empathic design for engineers. Medycyna Pracy , 74 (3), 211-225. DOI:

UNLOVE: a Digital Game for Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Awareness.


Almeida, A. M. P. Lima, J., Pereira, M. J., Silva, M. (2018). UNLOVE: a Digital Game for Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Awareness”.  1st ICGR, International Conference on Gender Research, 12 – 13 April 2018, Porto, Portugal, pp. 342-350. 

Unravelling the Role of ICT in Regional Innovation Networks: A Case Study of the Music Festival ‘Bons Sons.’


Silva, P. A., Tymoshchuk, O., Renó, D., Almeida, A. M., Pedro, L., & Ramos, F. (2018). Unravelling the Role of ICT in Regional Innovation Networks: A Case Study of the Music Festival ‘Bons Sons.’ In H. Knoche et al. (Ed.), SLERD 2018, SIST 95 (Springer I, pp. 47–61). 

Usability Evaluation of a Community-led Innovation Mobile App


Branco, A. C., Sacramento, E., Oliveira, E., Tymoshchuk, O., Antunes, M. J., Almeida, A. M., Pedro, L., Ramos, F., & Carvalho, D. (2023, fevereiro 13). Usability Evaluation of a Community-led Innovation Mobile App [Oral presentation]. 6th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications, Valetta, Malta.

Usability Evaluation of a Community-led Innovation Mobile App.


Branco, A. C., Sacramento, E., Oliveira, E., Tymoshchuk, O., Antunes, M. J., Almeida, A. M., Pedro, L., Ramos, F., & Carvalho, D. (2023). Usability Evaluation of a Community-led Innovation Mobile App. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer- Human Interaction Research and Applications - CHIRA, 81–88.

Usability evaluations focused on children with down syndrome: A systematic literature review


Sancho Nascimento, L., Martins, L. B., Zagalo, N., & Almeida, A. M. P. (2021). Usability evaluations focused on children with down syndrome: A systematic literature review.

Usability Of Text-To- Speech Technology in Creating News Podcasts using Portuguese Of Portugal.


Carvalho Afonso, M., Almeida, P., Beça, P., Silva, T., & Covalenco, I. (2022). Usability Of Text-To- Speech Technology in Creating News Podcasts using Portuguese Of Portugal. ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences, 363–368.

User identification: A key factor for elderly viewers to benefit from interactive television services


Silva, T., De Abreu, J. F., Pacheco, O., & Almeida, P. (2011). User identification: A key factor for elderly viewers to benefit from interactive television services. Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 221 CCIS). DOI: /10.1007/978-3-642-24352-3_5

Using an eHealth platform (e.cuidHaMUs) to monitor and promote health at HEI.


Ribeiro, T., Beça, P., Couto, P., Brandão, M., Gomes, G., (2018). Using an eHealth platform (e.cuidHaMUs) to monitor and promote health at HEI. Paper session presented at HCist 2018 – International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies, 21-23 November, Lisbon, Portugal.

Using Augmented Reality for Training Computer Workstation Ergonomic Issues: An Exploratory Project


Raposo, R., Vairinhos, M., Reisinho, P., Zwolinski, G., Laska- Lesniewicz, A., Kaminska, D. (2024). Using Augmented Reality for Training Computer Workstation Ergonomic Issues: An Exploratory Project. In: Martins, N., Brandão, D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication IV. DIGICOM 2023. Springer Series in Design and Innovation , vol 35. Springer, Cham. 031-47281-7_1

Using Design-Based Research for a technological intervention to promote parental involvement in kindergarten


Laranjeiro, D., Antunes, M.J., Santos, P. (2023). Using Design-Based Research for a technological intervention to promote parental involvement in kindergarten. In Special Issue of SN Computer Science “Advances on Computer Supported Education” 4, 278 (2023). Springer Nature.

Using Design-Based Research for a technological intervention to promote parental involvement in kindergarten


Laranjeiro, D., Antunes, M.J., Santos, P. (2023). Using Design-Based Research for a technological intervention to promote parental involvement in kindergarten. In Special Issue of SN Computer Science “Advances on Computer Supported Education” 4, 278 (2023). Springer Nature.

Using Design-Based Research for a technological intervention to promote parental involvement in kindergarten


Laranjeiro, D., Antunes, M. J., & Santos, P. (2022). Using Design-Based Research for a technological intervention to promote parental involvement in kindergarten. SN Computer Science, Special Issue-«Advances on Computer Supported Education».

Using Experts Review to validate an iTV UI for the unification of contents.


Abreu, J., Almeida, P., Silva, T., Velhinho, A., Fernandes, S. (2018). Using Experts Review to validate an iTV UI for the unification of contents.  Proceedings of the 9th International Multi-Conference on Complexity, Informatics and Cybernetics: IMCIC 2018. 

Uso de TIC no Estímulo à Autonomia dos Estudantes do Ensino Superior


Faustino, P., Simões, D. (2017). Uso de TIC no Estímulo à Autonomia dos Estudantes do Ensino Superior. Observatório (OBS) – OberCom: Investigação e Saber em Comunicação. Retrieved from:

UX Evaluation Methodology for iTV: Assessing a Natural Language Interaction System


Abreu, J., Camargo, J., Santos, R., Almeida, P., Beça, P., & Silva, T. (2021). UX Evaluation Methodology for iTV: Assessing a Natural Language Interaction System. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1433, 149–161.

Vernacular Epistemology and Participatory Practices as Alternatives to the Institutionalisation of Homo Educandus


Baldi, V. (2021). Vernacular Epistemology and Participatory Practices as Alternatives to the Institutionalisation of Homo Educandus. Arts. Sustainability. Education (Org. E. Wagner et al). Springer Singapore.

VET Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Practices Before and After COVID-19


Moreira, F. T., Oliveira, D., & Oliveira, A. (2023). VET Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Practices Before and After COVID-19. EDULEARN23 Proceedings, 1951–1957.

Video Content to Support Physical Activity in Older Adults: A strategy for content production centered on user preferences


Torres, S., Santos, R., Simões, P., Silva, A., & Rodrigues, M. (2019). Video Content to Support Physical Activity in Older Adults: A strategy for content production centered on user preferences. 2019 14th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), Coimbra, Portugal, 2019, 1-6. DOI: 10.23919/CISTI.2019.8760724

Video Game Scenery Analysis with Eye Tracking


Almeida, S., Veloso, A., & Mealha, Ó. (2016). Video Game Scenery Analysis with Eye Tracking. Entertainment Computing Journal, 14, 1-13. DOI: 10.1016/j.entcom.2015.12.001

Video Production for Social Network Dissemination: The Shoyce Brand Case


Martins C., & Oliveira L. (2021). Video Production for Social Network Dissemination: The Shoyce Brand Case. In: Martins N., Brandão D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 12. Springer, Cham.

Viewer behaviors and practices in the (new) Television Environment


ABREU, J.; ALMEIDA, P.; TELES, B.; REIS, M. (2013). Viewer behaviors and practices in the (new) Television Environment. In Proceedings of the 11th european conference on Interactive TV and video (EuroITV ’13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 5-12. DOI=10.1145/2465958.2465970

Viewers’ Behaviors at Home on TV and Other Screens: An Online Survey.


Abreu, J., Almeida, P., Velhinho, A., Varsori, H. (2018). Viewers’ Behaviors at Home on TV and Other Screens: An Online Survey.   Proceedings ACM TVX’18 – Interactive Experiences for Television and Online Video, Seoul, Korea.

Virtual and augmented reality awareness tools for universal design: towards active preventive healthcare


Coelho, L. P., Freitas, I., Kaminska, D. U., Queirós, R., Laska-Lesniewicz, A., Zwolinski, G., Vairinhos, M, ... & Anbarjafari, G. (2022). Virtual and augmented reality awareness tools for universal design: towards active preventive healthcare. In Emerging Advancements for Virtual and Augmented Reality in Healthcare (pp. 11-24). IGI Global.

Virtual and Augmented Reality Awareness Tools for Universal Design: Towards Active Preventive Healthcare.


Coelho, L. P., Freitas, I., Kaminska, D. U., Queirós, R., Laska-Lesniewicz, A., Zwolinski, G., Raposo, R., Vairinhos, M., Pereira, E. T., Haamer, E., Anbarjafari, G., Coelho, L. P., Freitas, I., Kaminska, D. U., Queirós, R., Laska-Lesniewicz, A., Zwolinski, G., Raposo, R., Vairinhos, M., … Anbarjafari, G. (2022). Virtual and Augmented Reality Awareness Tools for Universal Design: Towards Active Preventive Healthcare. Em Emerging Advancements for Virtual and Augmented Reality in Healthcare (virtual-and-augmented-reality-awareness-tools-for- universal-design). IGI Global.

Virtual reality hippotherapy simulator: A model proposal for senior citizens


Ortet, C. P., Vairinhos, M., Veloso, A. I., & Costa, L. V. (2023). Virtual reality hippotherapy simulator: A model proposal for senior citizens. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 592–609. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Virtues of tribal behaviour in sport: the case of portuguese football brands


Vieira, T., & Simões, D. (2023). Virtues of tribal behaviour in sport: the case of portuguese football brands. International Journal of Marketing, Communication and New Media (IJMCNM). ISSN: ISSN: 2182-9306.

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