PhDStudentsLab, in Room 40.2.6 of the Department of Communication and Art, is the main space of DigiMedia, where different management tasks and research activities take place. In the PhDStudents labs, students from the different PhD programs, visiting researchers and research fellows from various projects work together, individually or in small groups, providing an ideal environment to carry out their research, share experiences and meet people from different backgrounds.
The NEDD – Núcleo de Estudantes de Doutoramento do Digimedia (PhD Student Group of DigiMedia) is also installed in this room, with the aim of intensify the bond between students, fostering helpful and collaborative dynamics.
In addition, the PhDStudentsLab is also the place for the DigiMedia Management team, working closely with the rest of the DigiMedia members.
DeCA, University of Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal