
DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction is an interdisciplinary research centre of the University of Aveiro focusing on innovation in the design of new interaction approaches for human-centered digital media applications.

Lifelong learning through digital storytelling in corporate training


Hack, J. R., Ramos, F., Santos, A., & Moreira, L. (2015). Lifelong learning through digital storytelling in corporate training | Aprendizaje permanente basado en el uso de las historias digitales en la formación empresarial. Revista Complutense de Educacion, 26(2). DOI: /10.5209/rev_RCED.2015.v26.n2.43109

Linha do Vouga—A photographic narrative about the landscapes of a decaying railway line


Caixinha, H. J. M. (2022, julho). Linha do Vouga—A photographic narrative about the landscapes of a decaying railway line [Oral presentation]. International Conference Visual Storytelling: from the mural to the digital, Aveiro, Portugal.

Los medios de comunicación alternativos: análisis comparativo entre Portugal y España.


Fernandez-Prados, J., Baldi, V., Calabresi, G. (2022). Los medios de comunicación alternativos: análisis comparativo entre Portugal y España. Em Visibilización de las líneas de comunicación más actuales” (Org. López et al). Madrid, Ed. Gedisa (pp. 113-122). ISBN: 978-84-18914-57-7

Machine Learning the TV Consumption: A Basis for a Recommendation System.


Cardoso B., Abreu J. (2018) Machine Learning the TV Consumption: A Basis for a Recommendation System. In: Abásolo M., Abreu J., Almeida P., Silva T. (eds) Applications and Usability of Interactive Television. jAUTI 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 813. Springer, Cham. 

Machine Learning the TV Consumption: A Basis for a Recommendation System.


Cardoso B., Abreu J. (2018) Machine Learning the TV Consumption: A Basis for a Recommendation System. In: Abásolo M., Abreu J., Almeida P., Silva T. (eds) Applications and Usability of Interactive Television. jAUTI 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 813. Springer, Cham. 

Mapping out the narrative dimensions of visual identities: a typological classification


Lelis, C. & Kreutz, E. A. (2023). Mapping out the narrative dimensions of visual identities: a typological classification. In N. Martins & D. Raposo (eds), Communication Design and Branding-A Multidisciplinary Approach, Springer.

Marketing relacional na mira da disrupção digital: pérolas e perigos da implementação em B2B


Simões, D., & Karachun, H. (2019). Marketing relacional na mira da disrupção digital: pérolas e perigos da implementação em B2B. Atas da 19ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação (CAPSI’19) – Digital Disruption: Living between data science, IoT and…People, Lisboa.

Más Allá de la Sociedad Algorítmica y Automatizada. Para una reapropiación crítica de la Cultura Digital.


Baldi, V. (2017) Más Allá de la Sociedad Algorítmica y Automatizada. Para una reapropiación crítica de la Cultura Digital. (OBS*) Observatorio Journal, 11(3). DOI: 10.15847/obsOBS11320171093

Más Allá de la Sociedad Algorítmica y Automatizada. Para una reapropriaión crítica de la Cultura Digital.


Baldi, V. (2016). Más Allá de la Sociedad Algorítmica y Automatizada. Para una reapropriaión crítica de la Cultura Digital. Estudos Avançados.

Meaning-making in Game Narrative


Zagalo, N. (2021, setembro 8). Meaning-making in Game Narrative [Keynote talk]. International Conference on The Impact of Video Games on Culture and Education, Lisbon, Portugal.

Measuring the Use of Mobile Applications in Higher Education: Theoretical Context.


Oliveira, D. M. D., Pedro, L., Santos, C., Oliveira, D. M. D., Pedro, L., & Santos, C. (2022). Measuring the Use of Mobile Applications in Higher Education: Theoretical Context. Em Handbook of Research on Global Education and the Impact of Institutional Policies on Educational Technologies (measuring-the-use-of-mobile-applications-in-higher-education). IGI Global.

Mechanics or Mechanisms: defining differences in analog games to support game design


Sousa M., Zagalo N. & Oliveira A. P. (2021), Mechanics or Mechanisms: defining differences in analog games to support game design. IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), 2021, pp. 1-8.

Media Multitasking and geographical affiliation: An exploratory study


Barbosa, C., & Pedro, L. (2020). Media Multitasking and geographical affiliation: An exploratory study. Revista Mediterranea de Comunicacion, 11(1), 145–154.

Mediação digital para a inovação territorial: um estudo de caso múltiplo em redes sociais digitais


Tymoshchuk, O., Renó, D., Silva, P. A., Almeida, A. M., Pedro, L., & Ramos, F. (2019, no prelo). Mediação digital para a inovação territorial: um estudo de caso múltiplo em redes sociais digitais. OBS*Observatorio, 13(4).

Mediating towards digital inclusion: the monitors of internet access places.


Aires, L., Santos, R., Guardia, J. J. R. D. de la, Lima, C., & Correia, J. (2018). Mediating towards digital inclusion: the monitors of internet access places. Observatorio (OBS*), 12(2), 196–213.

Meet SmartWalk, Smart Cities for Active Seniors.


Rodrigues, M., Santos, R., Queirós, A., Silva, A. G., Amaral, J., Gonçalves, L. J., Rocha, N. P. da. (n.d.) (2018). Meet SmartWalk, Smart Cities for Active Seniors. International Conference on Technology and Innovation in Sports, Health and Wellbeing, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. 

Mental health and digital games: A comprehensive qualitative review


Mendes, R., Ribeiro, T., Veloso, A. I. (2023). Mental health and digital games: A comprehensive qualitative review. Game-ON 2023 (accepted as full paper).

miPlay as a Transmedia Strategy: Co-designing a Movie-Based Digital Game for Older Adults


Regalado, F., Ortet, C.P., Veloso, A.I. (2023). “miPlay” as a Transmedia Strategy: Co-designing a Movie-Based Digital Game for Older Adults. In: Gao, Q., Zhou, J. (eds) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14042. Springer, Cham.

MixMyVisit – Geração automática de vídeos para a melhoria da experiência dos visitantes.


Almeida, P., Beça, P., Soares, J., & Soares, B. (2022). MixMyVisit – Geração automática de vídeos para a melhoria da experiência dos visitantes. Em M. J. Abásolo Guerrero & G. Olmedo Cifuentes (Eds.), Proceedings of the X Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive TV. Facultad de Informática (UNLP).

MixMyVisit–Enhancing the Visitor Experience Through Automatic Generated Videos


Almeida, P., Beça, P., Soares, J., & Soares, B. (2021). MixMyVisit–Enhancing the Visitor Experience Through Automatic Generated Videos. ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (pp. 233-236).

MNEMOSCOPE – A Model for Digital Co-creation and Visualization of Collective Memories


Velhinho, A., Almeida, P. (2023). MNEMOSCOPE – A Model for Digital Co-creation and Visualization of Collective Memories. In: Abásolo, M.J., de Castro Lozano, C., Olmedo Cifuentes, G.F. (eds) Applications and Usability of Interactive TV. jAUTI 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1820. Springer, Cham.

Mobile app for natural heritage dissemination


Santos, L., Pereira, D., Beça, P., Nóbrega, R., Coelho, A. (2017). Mobile app for natural heritage dissemination. In Carlos, C. (Ed.), INVTUR 2017 – Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento (27/28), (pp. 1461 – 1473).

Mobile app for natural heritage dissemination.


Santos, L., Pereira, D., Beça, P., Nóbrega, R., Coelho, A. (2017, may). Mobile app for natural heritage dissemination. Paper session present at INVTUR 2017, Aveiro.

Mobile App for Science Education: Designing the Learning Approach


Tavares, R., Vieira, R., Pedro, L. (2021). Mobile App for Science Education: Designing the Learning Approach. Education Sciences, 11(2), 79.

Mobile devices in science centers


Rodrigues, A., Beça, P.; Pombo, P. (2017). Mobile devices in science centers. In Carlos, C. (Ed.), INVTUR 2017 – Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento, Vol. (27/28), (pp. 309 – 311).

Mobile devices in science centers.


Rodrigues, A., Beça, P.; Pombo, P. (2017, may). Mobile devices in science centers. Paper session present at INVTUR 2017, Aveiro, Portugal.

Mobile Journalism and New Skills in the Journalistic Field / Jornalismo móvel: a emergência de um novo campo jornalístico


Rodrigues, L. P., Baldi, V., & Gala, A. (2021). Mobile Journalism and New Skills in the Journalistic Field / Jornalismo móvel: a emergência de um novo campo jornalístico. Brazilian Journalism Research, 17(2), 280-305.

Mobile learning and higher education: A theoretical overview


Aresta, M., Pedro, L., & Santos, C. (2015). Mobile learning and higher education: A theoretical overview. Journal of Mobile Multimedia, 11(1–2).

Mobile Learning e Realidade Aumentada: um projecto para alunos surdos


Pais, F., Almeida, A.M. et al (2011) “Mobile Learning e Realidade Aumentada: um projecto para alunos surdos”, 6ª Conferência Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, Vol II, p. 86-90. Chaves, Portugal. Proceedings of the 6th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2011.

Mobile Seamless Learning Tool for Cancer Education.


Ribeiro N., Moreira L., Almeida A.M.P., Santos-Silva F. (2017) Mobile Seamless Learning Tool for Cancer Education. In Mealha Ó., Divitini M., Rehm M. (Eds) Citizen, Territory and Technologies: Smart Learning Contexts and Practices. SLERD 2017. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 80, (pp.3-10). DOI:

Mobile solutions in depression: enhancing communication with patients using an SMS-based intervention.


Pisco Almeida, A. M., Almeida, H. S., & Figueiredo-Braga, M. (2018). Mobile solutions in depression: enhancing communication with patients using an SMS-based intervention. Procedia Computer Science, 138, 89–96. 

Mobile solutions in depression: enhancing communication with patients using an SMS-based intervention.


Pisco Almeida, A. M., Almeida, H. S., & Figueiredo-Braga, M. (2018). Mobile solutions in depression: enhancing communication with patients using an SMS-based intervention. In J. . Q. Varajão, M. M. Cruz-Cunha, R. Martinho, R. Rijo, D. Domingos, & E. Peres (Eds.), Procedia Computer Science – Special Issue: CENTERIS – International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN – International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist – International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems an (Vol. 138, pp. 89–96). 

Mobile solutions in depression: enhancing communication with patients using an SMS-based intervention.


Pisco Almeida, A. M., Almeida, H. S., & Figueiredo-Braga, M. (2018). Mobile solutions in depression: enhancing communication with patients using an SMS-based intervention. Procedia Computer Science, 138, 89–96. 

Mobile solutions in depression: enhancing communication with patients using an SMS-based intervention.


Pisco Almeida, A. M., Almeida, H. S., & Figueiredo-Braga, M. (2018). Mobile solutions in depression: enhancing communication with patients using an SMS-based intervention. In J. . Q. Varajão, M. M. Cruz-Cunha, R. Martinho, R. Rijo, D. Domingos, & E. Peres (Eds.), Procedia Computer Science – Special Issue: CENTERIS – International Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems / ProjMAN – International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist – International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems an (Vol. 138, pp. 89–96). 

Mobile solutions in depression: enhancing communication with patients using an SMS-based intervention.


Pisco Almeida, A. M., Almeida, H. S., & Figueiredo-Braga, M. (2018). Mobile solutions in depression: enhancing communication with patients using an SMS-based intervention. Procedia Computer Science, 138, 89–96. 

Mobility in Crossmedia Systems, the Design Challenges that Need to Be Addressed


Prata A., & Chambel T. (2020). Mobility in Crossmedia Systems, the DesignChallenges that Need to Be Addressed. In Abásolo M., Kulesza R., & Pina Amargós J.(Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science (Vol. 1202, pp. 67–86).Springer.

Modernization as an enhancer of access to Justice and of proximity between key actors


Melro, A., Teles, F., & Oliveira, L. (2022b). Modernization as an enhancer of access to Justice and of proximity between key actors. Revista de Estudos Constitucionais, Hermenêutica e Teoria Do Direito, 14(1), Art. 1.

MooBi: a Bilingual Virtual  Learning Environment.


Pivetta, E., Ulbricht, V., Saito, D., Almeida, A. M. (2017, october) MooBi: a Bilingual Virtual  Learning Environment. Paper session presented at LACLO 2017- XII Twelfth Latin American Conference on Learning Objects and Technology, La Plata, Argentina.

MooBi: a Bilingual Virtual Learning Environment


Pivetta, E., Ulbricht, V., Saito, D., Almeida, A. M. (2017) MooBi: a Bilingual Virtual Learning Environment. In Alicia, D., Ana, C., Mario, C. R., Antonio, S. S., (Eds.), LACLO 2017- XII Twelfth Latin American Conference on Learning Objects and Technology (pp. 408 – 411). DOI: /10.1109/LACLO.2017.8120955

Multimedia platform development for parental involvement in learning of children attending kindergarten Iterative cicles of Development


Laranjeiro, D., Antunes, M., Santos, P. (2016). Multimedia platform development for parental involvement in learning of children attending kindergarten Iterative cicles of Development. Submetido ao CSEDU 2017.

Multiple Case Studies About Robotics in Compulsory Education: A Contribution to Changing Policies in Four European Countries.


Loureiro, M. J., Guerra, C. V., Cabrita, I., & Moreira, F. T. (1AD). Multiple Case Studies About Robotics in Compulsory Education: A Contribution to Changing Policies in Four European Countries. Em Handbook of Research on Global Education and the Impact of Institutional Policies on Educational Technologies (multiple-case-studies-about-robotics-in-compulsory- education). IGI Global.

Multisensory Devices: Lessons Learned from Experiences with Cerebral Paralsy Towards its Use in TV Contexts.


Oliveira, E., Tavares, T., Almeida, A. M., Abreu, J. (2017). Multisensory Devices: Lessons Learned from Experiences with Cerebral Paralsy Towards its Use in TV Contexts. In Abreu, J., Guerrero, M. Almeida, P. Silva, T. (Eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science Vol. 813.Proceedings of the 6th Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive TV – jAUTI 2017 (pp. 21-33). DOI: /10.1007/978-3-319-90170-1

Music for All: Promoting Inclusive Music Education in Portugal


Moreno, D., Moreira, A., Tymoshchuk, O., & Marques, C. (2022, julho 20). Music for All: Promoting Inclusive Music Education in Portugal [Poster].

Name not found.


Baldi, V. (2022) The non-reasons of Artificial Intelligence: the challenges of ethics in the design of digital technology. In ScienceGlobe International Conference. (p. 36-40). Singapore. ISBN: 978-93-90150-28-1

Narrativas transmedia: novas formas de contar e entender histórias


Augusto, R., Antunes, M.J. (2017). Narrativas transmedia: novas formas de contar e entender histórias. In i2ADS – Instituto de Investigação em Arte, Design e Sociedade (Ed.), #16.ART. Livro Atas 16th International Meeting of Art and Technology: imagining the real (pp. 343-341). Retrieved from:

Narrativas transmedia: novas formas de contar e entender histórias.


Augusto, R., Antunes, M.J. (2017, october). Narrativas transmedia: novas formas de contar e entender histórias. Paper session presented at 16th International Meeting of Art and Technology: imagining the real, Porto, Portugal

Network Neutrality: Media coverage of the topic in the Portuguese generalist press online.


Cardoso, G., Baldi, V. Paisana, M. (2018). Network Neutrality: Media coverage of the topic in the Portuguese generalist press online. International Journal of Communication.

Networks, communities and digital culture: innovation by disconnection.


Renó, D., Tymoshchuk, O., Silva, P.A. (2018). Networks, communities and digital culture: innovation by disconnection. Chasqui. Revista Latinoamericana de Comunicación, 137, pp.189-205

Notification mechanisms in second-screen scenarios towards a balanced user experience


Almeida, P., Abreu, J., Silva, T., Duro, L., Aresta, M., & Oliveira, R. (2015). Notification mechanisms in second-screen scenarios towards a balanced user experience. In Proceedings of the 2015 7th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, INTETAIN 2015. DOI: /10.4108/icst.intetain.2015.259548

Notifications Efficiency, Impact, and Interference in Second-Screen Scenarios


Abreu, J., Almeida, P., Silva, T., & Aresta, M. (2016). Notifications Efficiency, Impact, and Interference in Second-Screen Scenarios. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 32(12). DOI: 10.1080/10447318.2016.1210870

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