Minorities as opportunity and occasion for chrysalis
Project aimed to develop online and offline tools for intercultural education in multicultural professional environments. Trainings, seminar and job shadowings. The problem we see is related not only to migrants and intercultural-ethnic reality of Europe, but to the development of “fear of difference” and “refusal of difference” raising in different context in Europe. We want develop such a material with the characteristic of a Massive Open Online Course gathering together materials from different sources (video, books, training material) and to be made available for different kind of workers.
January 2017 – December 2018
Project Grant: Public International – ERASMUS+ (KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for youth
Funding Value: 210.000 €
Massimiliano Greco (Project coordinator)
Vania Baldi (Main Researcher)