Introduction of digital books and new hypermedia systems in encouraging reading, creating, sharing and literary expression
One of the biggest challenges of contemporary times is understanding, decoding the new generations, increasingly immersed in the digital world, and especially to encourage and develop in children and adolescents reading and production skills. In this sense, the said project aims to analyze the introduction of digital books and new hypermedia systems in encouraging reading, creating, sharing and literary expression, as enhancers of learning processes, learning and knowledge creation for elementary school students. The team consists of doctors professors from the Federal University of Maranhão – UFMA, the Department of Library Science – DEBIB and the Graduate Program in Design – PPGDG in partnership with teachers at the University of Aveiro – UA, Portugal, Department of Communication and Art – DeCA
January 2014 – December 2015
Project Grant – FAPEMA – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Maranhão.
Funding Value: Public International: 29181,63 €
Cassia Furtado (Project coordinator)
Lidia Oliveira (Main Researcher)