Emergence d’une Conscience Européenne chez les Jeunes
Young people today are constantly immersed in the dynamics of consumption of media content, from television to the Internet, which puts them in a privileged position of access to cultural content and the establishment of cross-border relationships. In this context the experience power media should increase awareness that young Europeans (and the young Portuguese in particular) have each other and be an opportunity to develop respect, mutual recognition and curiosity, pluralism, freedom and cooperation. Does the language of media language shared by young people across Europe that enhances their approach despite the linguistic and sociocultural diversity of each country, especially the young Portuguese?
January 2011 – December 2013
Project Grant: Private – Centre Edgar Morin – EHESS/CNRS, Paris + Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Funding Value: 54.426€
Vania Baldi (Project coordinator of the Portuguese Team)
Lídia Oliveira (Team Member)
Alfredo Pena-Vega (Project coordinator of the France Team)