To be or not to be… formal
The project “To be or not to be… formal” develops links between the non-formal education activities run by Youth NGOs in different geographic and cultural contexts and the formal educational system. Furthermore it aims to produce an handbook to be used by youth workers in preparing international youth mobility and volunteering activities, focusing on educational aspects.
The project involves participants from 6 countries from European Union, candidate countries, Asia and Africa, mixing together non-governmental organizations, public institutions and educational institutions, thus promoting a cross-sectorial cooperation and the development of cross-sectorial tools.
January 2015 – December 2016
Project Grant – Public International – ERASMUS+ KA2 “Capacity building in the field of youth with ACP countries”
Funding Value: 170.000. €
Pietro Galluccio (Project coordinator )
Vania Baldi (Main Researcher)