
DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction is an interdisciplinary research centre of the University of Aveiro focusing on innovation in the design of new interaction approaches for human-centered digital media applications.

A framework proposal for digital interventions in perinatal education: The result of a content analysis to WHO intra-partum care recommendations


Leite, C. V., & Almeida, A. M. (2021). A framework proposal for digital interventions in perinatal education: The result of a content analysis to WHO intra-partum care recommendations. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 14(4), 387-397.

A mobile app to support clinical diagnosis of upper respiratory problems (eHealthResp): Co design approach


Moura, J., Almeida, A. M. P., Roque, F., Figueiras, A., & Herdeiro, M. T. (2021). A mobile app to support clinical diagnosis of upper respiratory problems (eHealthResp): Co design approach. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23(1), e19194.

A Profile on Twitter Shadowban: An AI Ethics Position Paper on Free-Speech


Marcondes F.S. et al. (2021). A Profile on Twitter Shadowban: An AI Ethics Position Paper on Free-Speech. In: Yin H. et al. (eds) Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning – IDEAL 2021. IDEAL 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13113. Springer, Cham.

A Social Anxiety Mobile Intervention for College Students Attending Therapy: A Usability and Acceptability Study


Oliveira, C., Maia, M., Vairinhos, M., Pereira, A., Oliveira, I., & Vagos, P. (2021). A Social Anxiety Mobile Intervention for College Students Attending Therapy: A Usability and Acceptability Study. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–12.

A tool to support the creation of digital games to promote environmental awareness


Suandique, T. M. H., Beça, P., & Aresta, M. (2021). A tool to support the creation of digital games to promote environmental awareness. 2021 16th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 1–4.

Accessibility and microcopy remote testing of mobile applications: The case of the CeNTER platform


Oliveira, E., Tymoshchuk, O., Branco, A., Carvalho, D., Antunes, M. J., Pedro, L., Almeida, A. M., & Ramos, F. (2021). Accessibility and microcopy remote testing of mobile applications: The case of the CeNTER platform. In Proc. of International Conference (CISTI).

Active aging and Pokemon Go: A Participatory Study with Young Older Adults


Filho, J.N., & Veloso, A.I. (2021) Active aging and Pokemon Go: A Participatory Study with Young Older Adults. IEEE 9th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH), 2021, pp. 1-8.

An Augmented Infocommunication Model for Unified Communications in Situational Contexts of Collaboration


Abrantes, C., Mealha, Ó., Gomes, D., Barraca, J. & Ferreira, C. (2021). An Augmented Infocommunication Model for Unified Communications in Situational Contexts of Collaboration. Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, 16(C), 077–099.

An Authoring Tool to Engage Younger Audiences in the Development of Nature Preservation Games: The G4N Toolkit to Game Design


Beça, P., Aresta, M., Santos, . R. and Veloso, & A. I. (2021). An Authoring Tool to Engage Younger Audiences in the Development of Nature Preservation Games: The G4N Toolkit to Game Design. In I. and B. H. J. and B. F. and D. P. and R. M. de Rosa Francesca and Marfisi Schottman (Ed.), Games and Learning Alliance (pp. 289–294). Springer International Publishing.

Anticorpos à cultura da desconfiança: o regresso da ciência e da prudência na agenda mediática


Baldi, V., & Gala, A. (2021). Anticorpos à cultura da desconfiança: o regresso da ciência e da prudência na agenda mediática. Revista Observatório (OBS*), Special Issue, 115- 126.

Are colors emotional triggers in digital branding? Emotional and Social Signals in Multimedia


Correia, J., & Simões, D. (2021). Are colors emotional triggers in digital branding? Emotional and Social Signals in Multimedia. The 2021 International Conference on Marketing and Technologies (ICMarkTech'21), 2 a 4 December 2021, Tenerife (University of La Laguna), Spain.

Audiovisual translation models for visually impaired users of Interactive Television (iTV)


Oliveira, R., Abreu, J., & Almeida, A.M. (2021). Audiovisual translation models for visually impaired users of Interactive Television (iTV). Procedia Computer Science, 196, 647-654.

Barriers to health information on social media. [Barreiras à informação em saúde nas mídias sociais]


Brasileiro, F. S., & Almeida, A. M. P. (2021). Barriers to health information on social media. [Barreiras à informação em saúde nas mídias sociais]. Revista Digital De Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação, 19, e021030.

Beats and Units Framework: A Story Game Integration Framework for the Ideation Stage of Narrative Design of Serious Games


Zagalo N., Oliveira A.P. & Cardoso P. (2021). Beats and Units Framework: A Story Game Integration Framework for the Ideation Stage of Narrative Design of Serious Games. In: Mitchell A., Vosmeer M. (eds) Interactive Storytelling. ICIDS 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13138. Springer, Cham.

Circum-navegando as repercussões socio-mediáticas do contexto pandémico – Introdução


Baldi, V. (2021). Circum-navegando as repercussões socio-mediáticas do contexto pandémico - Introdução. Revista Observatório (OBS*), Special Issue. 1-2.

Co-creation Stage: a Web-based Tool for Collaborative and Participatory Co-located Art Performances


Rivas Pagador, H., Dominguez, A., Masneri, S., Tamayo, I., Zorrilla, M., Almeida, P., ... & Cesar, P. (2021). Co-creation Stage: a Web-based Tool for Collaborative and Participatory Co-located Art Performances. In ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (pp. 267-274).

Co-design and shared practices: an overview of processes of learning in non-formal educational contexts


Santos Moura, I., & Baldi, V. (2021). Co-design and shared practices: an overview of processes of learning in non-formal educational contexts. 6th conference on Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development. Springer.

Co-designing with Senior Citizens: A Systematic Literature Review


Machado S., Costa L.V., Mealha Ó. (2021) Co-designing with Senior Citizens: A Systematic Literature Review. In: Gao Q., Zhou J. (eds) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology Design and Acceptance. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12786. Springer, Cham.

Conceptualization of Hypersituation as Result of IoT in Education


Moreira F.T., Vairinhos M., & Ramos F. (2021) Conceptualization of Hypersituation as Result of IoT in Education. In: Mealha Ó., Rehm M., Rebedea T. (eds) Ludic, Co-design and Tools Supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 197. Springer, Singapore.

Construindo Confiança em Plataformas Digitais Para Partilhar Estilos de Vida Colaborativos em Contextos Sustentáveis


Sales, R. K. L., Amaro, A. C., & Baldi, V. (2021). Construindo Confiança em Plataformas Digitais Para Partilhar Estilos de Vida Colaborativos em Contextos Sustentáveis. Comunicação e Sociedade, 39, 223-247.

Content Aggregation on Streaming Media Devices: Assessment of Four Popular Market Solutions


Cardoso, B., & Abreu, J. (2021). Content Aggregation on Streaming Media Devices: Assessment of Four Popular Market Solutions. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1433, 15–27.

Creative Process of Pre-production of Video Games


Sánchez, R., Zagalo, N. & Gómez, S. (2021). Creative Process of Pre-production of Video Games. In Interactivity and Game Creation. Springer. 198–211.

Defining the Mechanisms for Engagement Design Protocol Towards the Development of Analogue and Hybrid Serious Games: Learning from FlavourGame


Sousa M., Oliveira A.P., Cardoso P., Zagalo N. & Vairinhos M. (2021). Defining the Mechanisms for Engagement Design Protocol Towards the Development of Analogue and Hybrid Serious Games: Learning from FlavourGame. In: Fletcher B., Ma M., Göbel S., Baalsrud Hauge J., Marsh T. (eds) Serious Games. JCSG 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12945. Springer, Cham.

Description of an integrated e-health monitoring system in a Portuguese higher education institution: the e.cuidHaMUs program


Brandão, M. P., Sa-Couto, P., Gomes, G., & Beça, P. (2021). Description of an integrated e-health monitoring system in a Portuguese higher education institution: the e.cuidHaMUs program. Global Health Promotion, 175797592098422.

Developing a Prototype of an Open Educational Resource on Research Methods for PhD Candidates in Technology Enhanced Learning


Sousa, L., Pedro, L., & Santos, C. (2021). Developing a Prototype of an Open Educational Resource on Research Methods for PhD Candidates in Technology Enhanced Learning. In: De Laet T., Klemke R., Alario-Hoyos C., Hilliger I., Ortega-Arranz A. (eds) Technology-Enhanced Learning for a Free, Safe, and Sustainable World. EC TEL 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12884. Springer, Cham.

Digital platforms and communication/public relations departments: A systematic literature review [Plataformas digitais e departamentos de comunicação/relações públicas: Uma revisão sistemática]


Albuquerque, A., & Silva, T. (2021). Digital platforms and communication/public relations departments: A systematic literature review [Plataformas digitais e departamentos de comunicação/relações públicas: Uma revisão sistemática]. RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação, 42, 62–77.

End-user evaluation of a mobile application prototype for territorial innovation


Oliveira, E., Branco, A., Carvalho, D., Sacramento, E., Tymoshchuk, O., Pedro, L., Antunes, M., Almeida, A., & Ramos, F. (2021). End-user evaluation of a mobile application prototype for territorial innovation. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2021) (2), (pp. 495-504).

Enseñanza y aprendizaje en línea durante la pandemia de Covid-19: El caso de la educación superior pública portuguesa


Roque, V., Raposo, R., de Morais, N. S. N., & Roque, F. (2021). Enseñanza y aprendizaje en línea durante la pandemia de Covid-19: El caso de la educación superior pública portuguesa. Revista Prisma Social, (35), 221-248.

Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável: o papel de um Assistente de Informação Proativo na TV


Faria, G., Silva, T., & Abreu, J. (2021). Envelhecimento Ativo e Saudável: o papel de um Assistente de Informação Proativo na TV. 10th Iberoamerican Conference on Applications and Usability of Interactive Television, JAUTI 2021.

FEZ game – An heuristic evaluation


Regalado, F., Ribeiro, T., Veloso, A.I. (2021) FEZ game – An heuristic evaluation. In 22nd International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation, GAME-ON 2021, pp. 12-18.

Forest fire scenarios in digital platforms: The case of Portugal


Gonçalvez, L. & Oliveira, L. (2021). Forest fire scenarios in digital platforms: The case of Portugal, in: Oliveira, L., Tajariol, F. & Gonçalves, L. (Editor). Handbook of Research on Digital Services in Crisis, Disaster, and Emergency Situations, Hershey, USA: IGI Global.

Fostering Senior Community-Based Cyclotourism Using Transmedia: A Proposal


Ortet, C., Veloso, A.I., Vale Costa, L., (2021). Fostering Senior Community-Based Cyclotourism Using Transmedia: A Proposal In: Gao Q., Zhou J. (eds) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, HCII 2021. LNCS 12787. Springer, Cham.

Game Design as an Autonomous Research Subject


Neves, P., Zagalo, & N. (2021). Game Design as an Autonomous Research Subject. Information, 12 (9), 367.

Gamification Design Patterns and Touchscreen Interactions in Mobile Apps for Senior Citizens: An Overview


Ortet, C., Costa, L., & Veloso, A.I. Gamification Design Patterns and Touchscreen Interactions in Mobile Apps for Senior Citizens: An Overview, In A.I. Veloso, Ó.Mealha, L.V. Costa (2021) (eds) GAME-ON'2021 22nd International Conference Ostend, Bélgica, Portugal: EUROSIS - The European Technology Institute, ETI Bvba

Gamification for All: Planning and Designing a Community-Oriented Gamification Strategy


Regalado, F., Silva, H., Machado, S., Costa, L., Veloso, A., Santos, C., Mealha, Ó. "Gamification for All": Planning and Designing a Community-Oriented Gamification Strategy.In A.I. Veloso, Ó.Mealha, L.V. Costa (2021) (eds) GAME-ON'2021 22nd International Conference Ostend, Bélgica, Portugal: EUROSIS - The European Technology Institute, ETI Bvba

Gamifying Online News in a Senior Online Community: Insights from Designing and Assessing the Readers’ Experience


Regalado, F., Vale Costa, L., Martins, F., & Veloso, A. I. (2021). Gamifying Online News in a Senior Online Community: Insights from Designing and Assessing the Readers’ Experience. Social Sciences, 10(12), 463.

Has Covid-19 emergency instruction killed the PLE?


Pedro, L., & Santos, C. (2021). Has Covid-19 emergency instruction killed the PLE? In Ninth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM'21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 518–521.

I Never Imagined that I Would Work in the Digital Game Industry


Lima, L., Pinto, C., Gouveia, P., & Cardoso, P. (2021). I Never Imagined that I Would Work in the Digital Game Industry IEEE COG 2021: 3rd IEEE Conference on Games.

ICT tools’ contributions in a technology-enhanced peer learning program involving EFL learners


Carvalho, A. R., & Santos, C. (2021). ICT tools’ contributions in a technology-enhanced peer learning program involving EFL learners. Proceedings of The 21st IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT21) (July, 12 – 15, online conference), Vol. 1, pp. 257-259.

IDTV Application to Promote the Gait of the Elderly


Rosado, M., Abásolo, M. J., & Silva, T. (2021). IDTV Application to Promote the Gait of the Elderly. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1433, 134–146.

Informational resilience and microcephaly: Digital information search practices


Silva Rocha, P. M., Brasileiro, F. S. á., Melo, D. A., Alves, E. C., & Almeida, A. M. P. (2021). Informational resilience and microcephaly: Digital information search practices. [Resiliência informacional e microcefalia: Práticas digitais de busca por informação]. Encontros Bibli, 26. 1-22.

Learning about the customer for improving customer retention: proposal of an analytical framework


Simões, D. & Nogueira, J. (2021). Learning about the customer for improving customer retention: proposal of an analytical framework. Journal of Marketing Analytics.

Mechanics or Mechanisms: defining differences in analog games to support game design


Sousa M., Zagalo N. & Oliveira A. P. (2021), Mechanics or Mechanisms: defining differences in analog games to support game design. IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), 2021, pp. 1-8.

MixMyVisit–Enhancing the Visitor Experience Through Automatic Generated Videos


Almeida, P., Beça, P., Soares, J., & Soares, B. (2021). MixMyVisit–Enhancing the Visitor Experience Through Automatic Generated Videos. ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences (pp. 233-236).

Mobile App for Science Education: Designing the Learning Approach


Tavares, R., Vieira, R., Pedro, L. (2021). Mobile App for Science Education: Designing the Learning Approach. Education Sciences, 11(2), 79.

Mobile Journalism and New Skills in the Journalistic Field / Jornalismo móvel: a emergência de um novo campo jornalístico


Rodrigues, L. P., Baldi, V., & Gala, A. (2021). Mobile Journalism and New Skills in the Journalistic Field / Jornalismo móvel: a emergência de um novo campo jornalístico. Brazilian Journalism Research, 17(2), 280-305.

Older Adults “Jump” into coDesigning a Digital Game: A Field Study


Costa L.V., Veloso A.I., Sousa L., Loizou M., Arnab S. (2021) Older Adults “Jump” into coDesigning a Digital Game: A Field Study. In: Gao Q., Zhou J. (eds) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology Design and Acceptance. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12786. Springer, Cham.

Online News and Gamification Habits in Late Adulthood: A Survey


Regalado F., Costa L.V., Veloso A.I. (2021) Online News and Gamification Habits in Late Adulthood: A Survey. In: Gao Q., Zhou J. (eds) Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Technology Design and Acceptance. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12786. Springer, Cham.

Patient-Physician Communication in Depression: The Role of a Mobile Solution Using Messaging Services


Almeida, A. M., Figueiredo-Braga, M., & Almeida, H. (2021). Patient-Physician Communication in Depression: The Role of a Mobile Solution Using Messaging Services. International Journal of E-Services and Mobile Applications (IJESMA), 13(2), 73-89.

People-Centered Benchmarking of Smart School Ecosystems: A Study with Young Students from Aveiro Region


Mealha, Ó., Nunes, J., Ferreira, C., Santos, F. D. & Ferreira, J. (2021). People-Centered Benchmarking of Smart School Ecosystems: A Study with Young Students from Aveiro Region. In Ó. Mealha, M. Rehm & T. Rebedea (Eds.), Ludic, Co-design and Tools Supporting Smart Learning Ecosystems and Smart Education (pp. 131–143). Springer International Publishing AG 2020.

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