
DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction is an interdisciplinary research centre of the University of Aveiro focusing on innovation in the design of new interaction approaches for human-centered digital media applications.

GeoVisualisation of SAPO search activity


“Veloso A., Raposo R., Costa J., & Mealha O. (2010) “GeoVisualisation of SAPO search activity”. Atas 2010 14th International Conference Information Visualisation – IV10, Londres, Reino Unido, Julho, 2010, p.225-230. DOI: 10.1109/IV10.42, ISSN: 1550-6037/10”

ICT in the Education of Students with SEN: Perceptions of Stakeholders


Ribeiro, J., Almeida, A. M., Moreira, A. (2010) “ICT in the Education of Students with SEN: Perceptions of Stakeholders”, Technology Enhanced Learning: Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform, Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer. Volume 73, 2010, pp 331-337.

ICT in the Education of Students with SEN: Perceptions of Stakeholders


Ribeiro, J., Almeida, A. M., Moreira, A. (2010) “ICT in the Education of Students with SEN: Perceptions of Stakeholders”, Technology Enhanced Learning: Quality of Teaching and Educational Reform, 1st International Conference, TECH-EDUCATION 2010, 19/05/10, Volume 73, Athens, Greece, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Verlag, 73 CCIS, pp. 331-337.

ntegrating podcasts, vodcasts, screencasts and emerging casting technologies in the teaching/learning context higher education


Guedes, D. & Almeida, P. (2010). Integrating podcasts, vodcasts, screencasts and emerging casting technologies in the teaching/learning context higher education: Potentialities, practices and expectations of students and teachers. In Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2010 5th Iberian Conference 16-19 June 2010, pp.1-7

Oltre il naturalismo e il culturalismo


Baldi, Vania (2010). Oltre il naturalismo e il culturalismo.Revista Fenomenologia e Societá, 3, 87-119. Ed. Rosenberg & Sellier, Torino: ISSN 0394-2759

Personal Learning Environments – Meeting the Special Needs of Gifted Students


Ribeiro J., Casanova, D., Nogueira, F., Moreira A. e Almeida, A. M. (2010) “Personal Learning Environments – Meeting the Special Needs of Gifted Students”. Zhao, J., De Pablos, P., Tenysson. R (Eds) Technology Enhanced Learning for People with Disabilities: Approaches And Applications. Information Science Reference: Hershey. PP 67-88. 2010.

Portraying the self in online contexts: Context-driven and user-driven online identity profiles


Aresta, M., Pedro, L., Santos, C., & Moreira, A. (2015). Portraying the self in online contexts: Context-driven and user-driven online identity profiles. Contemporary Social Science, 10(1). DOI: /10.1080/21582041.2014.980840

Visualization of news access activity in the SAPO News website


Raposo R., Veloso A., Correia P., & Mealha O. (2010) “Visualization of news access activity in the SAPO News website”. Atas 2010 14th International Conference Information Visualisation – IV10, Londres, Reino Unido, Julho, 2010, p.213-218. DOI: 10.1109/IV10.42, ISSN: 1550-6037/10

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