The project FlavourGame will be presented by Patrícia Oliveira, a DigiMedia researcher, in the program “Saúde à Mesa…e não só!”, within the scope of the exhibition “A saúde e a doença aos olhos das crianças”, on June 15, 2024.
This event is and initiative of Fábrica da Ciência Viva in collaboration with Centro Académico Egas Moniz Health Alliance (EMHA), in a consortium with the University of Aveiro and four Local Units of Health Care.
“Saúde à Mesa…e não só!” is the second edition of “Saúde à Mesa”, and comes as an opportunity to meet the enthusiasm for communicating topics in the area of Health, beyond the health eating themes.
The event is part of the presentation of project about Health Literacy, and will take place in the Fábrica da Ciência Viva, Aveiro.
More information here: