12-14 October 2017
DigiMedia accepted the challenge proposed by University of Aveiro and will present eight of its R&D projects in TechDays. Digital platforms, mobile applications and physical computing prototypes will be available, addressing different contexts with focus on the design, prototyping and validation of user-centered technology solutions.
Besides those projects, that will be available in our stand, Nuno Ribeiro, Ph.D. fellow in Multimedia and Education, will present his final pitch for the Born from Knowledge Contest (http://www.bornfromknowledge.pt/) on his project “Happy, Health Awareness Personalized for You”. The pitch will take place on the 12th of october (10am).
Techdays 2017 is going to take place on the 12th – 14th of October in Aveiro’s Exposition Center. It’s the largest National Technology Forum, a joint organization between Aveiro Municipality, the University of Aveiro, the Telecommunications Institute, the Business Association – INOVARIA, the TICE.PT and Habitat Sustentável.
Techdays 2017 gathers what is best done in the RD national centers, companies involved in the sector and public institutions aiming to be a platform that stimulates the creation of interfaces between the academic world and the business world.
More info is available: http://www.techdays.pt/