Sofia Ribeiro, a DigiMedia PhD student, is promoting, in collaboration with the Centro de Formação da Associação de Escolas dos Concelhos de Aveiro e Albergaria-a-Velha (CFAECAAV), a fifty-hour accredited training course for 3rd cycle and secondary school teachers, as part of her doctoral research entitled “Teachers’ digital development model: Digital platform to create tangible educational resources”. The teacher training aims to improve teachers’ digital competencies, while creating educational resources for specific school subjects.
The training will start on the 9th of October and will take place at 40.1.8 (Department of Communication and Arts) and SALT – Space for Active Learning and Teaching (Department of Education and Psychology). The course has been accredited by the Conselho Científico-Pedagógico da Formação Contínua of the University of Minho.
To register, please click here:, after logging into the user’s account. The registration deadline is the 8th of October.