Dalila Martins and Maria Júlia Vieira, sudents from the New Media Doctoral Program, will host a workshop entitled Women in Games: representation, perspective and future of women in the video game market in Europe.
This training session will take place on March 13, 2024, from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm, st, and aims to raise awareness of the current gaming market and the inherent needs that can be met by women through their integration in this industry and, on the other hand, addresses challenges, problems and current solutions that support female inclusion.
This workshop is part of the UA inniciative Ser+, an aggregate brand of a set of recognized meritorious initiatives in which UA students engage, contributing to their integral development.
Find out more about the training here: https://cms.ua.pt/sermais/node/172
Link for registration: https://cms.ua.pt/sermais