VoluntAge4Seniors2.0 – Service that provides help to older adults from a group of volunteers
VoluntAge4Seniors 2.0 aims to develop a service that provides help to older adults in specific tasks such as a simple household maintenance or accompany in a visit to the doctor, by offering support of a volunteer. The service combines the development of a TV Application to older adults with voice interaction and a web platform to manage the requests and the volunteers.
july -2018 – may 2019
19791 €
19791 €
National Private – AlticeLabs
Social ITV; e-Health & Wellbeing
Rita Santos
Researchers: Ana Isabel Martins; Mário Rodrigues; Ciro Martins; Hilma Caravau
Grantees: Joana Beja; Pedro Miguel
IEETA; Associação Nacional Gerontólogos
Not available….coming soon