The second edition of Internet Day@UA, an event promoted by the DigiMedia Research Centre and the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro, ended with a sense of fulfillment and success.
This one day event intended to associate the University of Aveiro, the Department of Communication and Art and DigiMedia Research Centre to the global celebration of the “World Internet Day” that happened on several countries around the world on May 17th.
The opening table, that comprise the Vice-dean Artur Silva, the Director of the Communication and Art Department, Rui Raposo, and the Scientific Coordinator of DigiMedia Research Centre Fernando Ramos, were presented with a full house. After the opening table, Matthew Kushin, Associate Professor from Sheperd University, reflected, through several examples, on the role social media has on everyday life. Professor Armando Malheiro, from University of Porto, followed Matthew Kushin and discussed the importance of associating social sciences and technology as a way to understand the needs of a digital society.
In the afternoon, representatives of several companies (Altice, Bayer Portugal, Pixelmatters, Gfi, Pictonio, Ubiwhere, Inova-ria, Gocontact, Farfetch, Micro i/o) where invited to assist and comment tree students projects associated to the degree cycle of New Communication Tecnhonogies (Planos, SAPO Campus Analytics, Phil).
We finished the Day with the Speed Dating moment. Students and companies facing together in a presentation, evaluation and selection process towards future collaborations.