In an event that aims to recognize the work developed by the teams of the different projects involved in this first edition, the final students@DigiMedia #01 event will take place on July 14th at 15h00, in the CCCI auditorium (DeCA, UA).
The event is integrated in the UA Research Summit, and the program will be as follows:
15h00: Opening
Vice-rector for research
DeCA’s direction
DigiMedia Coordination
students@DigiMedia Coordination
15:15: Edition #01 – projects’ presentation
16h45: Preview of students@DigiMedia#02
17h00: Posters presentation and final meeting
students@DigiMedia is an initiative designed with the purpose of fostering students’ participation in scientific research activities.
In the first edition 17 proposals were submitted by 32 researchers. This event will present the 13 ongoing projects, involving 31 students from all study cycles (CTC area) and 24 DigiMedia researchers.
The session is open to all Academic community!