The Special Issue of Observatorio (OBS*), “Circum-navegando as repercussões socio-mediáticas do contexto pandémico” | “Circum-navigating the socio-media repercussions of the pandemic context” (May 2021), was edited by Vania Baldi.
In this special issue we present a set of studies that reflect different degrees of complexity and criticality revealed by the pandemic scenario in the info-communicational context. The themes of infodemia, journalistic coverage, the presence of scientists on the media stage, the production and consumption of new news formats, the strategies of readaptation and integration in the daily life of services and digital instruments used to counteract the isolation and physical distance, making possible new forms of proximity (in the sphere of intimacy, family and work), as well as the reproduction of cliché and gender disparities in the media or the emergence of new markets in the area of audiovisual and podcasting, all together constitute the different observation points about a socio-media reality reconfigured by the challenges brought by the socio-sanitary emergency. (our translation)
The articles are available HERE.