Fellipe Brasileiro, Professor at the Department of Communication and the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), developed his post-doc research in DigiMedia together with Professor Ana Margarida Almeida within the E-health and Wellbeing research group (01/12/2019 – 30/11/2020).
On December 2, 2020, at 3:30 pm, Professor Fellipe will present an open online seminar entitled “Informational resilience and digital networks in health contexts” – Report of the experience as Invited Researcher at DigiMedia, which marks the end of his research stay at the University of Aveiro.
Access to the seminar:
online, via zoom: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/81042448053
ID da reunião: 810 4244 8053
Short bio
Fellipe Sá Brasileiro holds a PhD in Information Science and has been developing research activities related to health information and communication practices in digital environments. He is an adjunct professor at the Department of Communication and the Postgraduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Brazil. He is a visiting professor (2019-2020) at the Department of Communication and Art at the University of Aveiro (UA), Portugal, and develops the research project “Informational resilience in digital social networks”, at the post-doctoral level, in collaboration with the E-Health and Wellbeing Research Group.
Recent research
BRASILEIRO, F. S. Resiliência informacional em redes sociais virtuais: práticas colaborativas, emoções e mobilidade. João Pessoa: Editora UFPB, 2019