More than 125 people attended Media Play’24

Media Play’24, organized by DigiMedia, took place on May 29, with more than 125 people attending the event to meet the participants and their Multimedia Projects, such as apps, games, digital platforms, and UX prototypes.

This second edition of Media Play presented 13 projects developed by students within the scope of the courses of Sciences and Technology Communication (CTC), in the Department of Communication and Art (DeCa) in the University of Aveiro.

Six local technology companies were also present in the event, to bring their vision of the business sector into the academic world. The representatives of Ubiwhere, AlticeLabs, Loba, Mindera, Mog, Tice and Fundação Altice had the opportunity to meet the students involved and their projects.

The best projects, voted by the people attending the event, were awarded with different prizes.

The winning projects were:

Professional Award (sponsored by AlticeLabs) : et.cetera 

Disruptive award (sponsored by Ubiwhere): et.cetera

Public Award (sponsored by DigiMedia) : Rehamind

Academia Award (sponsored by DigiMedia): Twovest

More information on the Media Play’24 winners, soon!

Know more about all the participants of Media Play’24 here.

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