"Minorities as opportunity and occasion for chrysalis" – presentation of project´s results

As part of the annual celebration of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the Aveiro District Centre of EAPN Portugal-European Anti-Poverty Network, the Aveiro Social Network and  NPISA – Center for Homeless Planning and Intervention of Aveiro, will host the presentation of MOOC course “Union of Minorities. Educational tools for the European cultural mosaic “.

Professor Vania Baldi, will attend the presentation in representation of the Department of Communication and Art from the University of Aveiro and DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction Research Centre. The presentation will take place on 24th October, from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., in the  D. João Evangelista de Lima Vidal Hall from  IPSS Florinhas do Vouga, in Aveiro.

“Union of minorities. Educational tools for the European cultural mosaic” is a Massive Open Online Course for learning competencies to build inclusive educational paths/projects for learners working with minorities and multicultural groups.

The course “Union of minorities. Educational tools for the European cultural mosaic” is a result of the project “Minorities as opportunity and occasion for chrysalis [MOOC]” (reference number 2016-2-IT03-KA205-009153).  MOOC implementation was possible with the financial support of Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, in the frame of Key Action 2 “Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Strategic Partnerships”, as part of the initiative entitled “The Right to Housing in the Perspective of Homeless Citizens.

The course will be can be access from October the 31th through the link:[1]

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