Dr. Sylvester Arnab is a Full Professor in Game Science (Applied Games) at the Centre for Postdigital Cultures at the Institute for Creative Cultures. His research focuses on the investigation into how engaging, empathic, and empowering experiences are designed and applied based on strategies and elements commonly used by playful and game-based approaches (analogue and/or digital) and how their operations are underpinned by pedagogical and motivational theories and practices
Sylvester is the co-founder of the multi-award winning GameChangers initiative that emphasises an open practice in playful and game-based learning. Gamechangers has informed empathic teaching and learning and community engagement in various countries, including Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam, towards responding to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.
To date, Sylvester has successfully secured research funding with a total value of over £19 million since 2010 (£9.9 million as a principal investigator). Funders include the UKRI (AHRC and ESRC), European Commission (FP7, H2020, and Erasmus+), British Council, British Academy, and HEFCE.
Sylvester has over 100 academic publications including a book – ‘Game Science in Hybrid Learning Spaces’ – which provides insights into the research and practice of purposeful game design with a focus on hybrid education. He is regularly invited to give public and keynote lectures in various international events. Sylvester is currently supervising six PhDs with four completions and has examined over 10 PhD theses.
Sylvester was previously a researcher at the Serious Games Institute, Applied Innovation Lead at the Disruptive Media Learning Lab, and a researcher at University of Warwick’s WMG. He graduated with a PhD in Engineering in 2009 at the University of Warwick.
DeCA, University of Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-193, Aveiro, Portugal