JTELSS 2017 – 13th Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning


9-13 October 2017


The Research Centre Digimedia is pleased to announce the 13th Joint European Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning. This event is organized by the European Association of Technology Enhanced Learning – EATEL (http://ea-tel.eu/) and hosted by the Department of Communication and Art at the University of Aveiro.

The JTEL summer school provides a stimulating learning environment where participants get opportunities to develop research skills, increase their knowledge base, collaborate with others in their own and complementary research areas, engage in debate, have access to experts in the field, and discuss their own work.

The programme will also include practical and methodological workshops as well as opportunities for PhD students to develop their personal research, discuss their doctoral work and build bridges for future collaborations experts in the field and peers across Europe.

The summer school is open for PhD students and instructors from all countries.

More information about the event is available at: http://www.prolearn-academy.org/Events/summer-school-2017/


University of Aveiro – Department of Communication and Art

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