Journal of Digital Media & Interaction
ISSN 2184-3120
The Journal of Digital Media & Interaction is an open access, international peer-reviewed research journal, published by DigiMedia, University of Aveiro.
JDMI has been accepted for indexation in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Journal of Digital Media & Interaction, Vol.4, No.11: Cultural Representations in Digital Games is now available.
Regular edition consisting of a dossier on Cultural Representations in Digital Games.
Welcome to this new issue of the Journal of Digital Media & Interaction. As we are heading towards
New Year’s Eve, it is our pleasure to devote this entire issue to the production of a Dossier dedicated to
the exchange of meaning that our language may convey within physically simulated or fictionally recreated worlds in digital games. In fact, shared meanings shape our identity, emotions, and attachment to other beings (Hall, 1997), marking out a certain culture. When representing these meanings, our sensorial perceptions may defy the limits of time and space to migrate from daily practices and consciousness to the depicted or crafted gameplay environments (Castronova, 2005).
As such, editing an issue that discusses the role of digital games to facilitate representation, identity,
production, consumption, and regulation (i.e.the circuit of culture [du Gay, et al.,1997]) of signs and
symbols is not only very ambitious but also constitutes a noble aim.
Rafaelly Freitas Ferreira, Felipe Sampaio do Nascimento Melquiades, Diogo Souza Brito Alencar Araripe
Mónica Aresta, Pedro Beça, Rita Santos, Ana Isabel Veloso
Stefano Caselli
Alvaro Marcos Antonio de Araujo Pistono, Arnaldo Manuel Pinto Santos, Ricardo José Vieira Baptista
Simone Hausknecht, Fan Zhang, Julija Jeremic, Hollis Owens, David Kaufman