

Master in Communication and Web Technologies


The Master in Communication and Web Technologies (MCTW) arises to meet the training needs of professionals qualified in the conceptualization, development, and evaluation of communication solutions supported by Web technologies, promoting the ability to investigate and propose future solutions, both in current and emerging technologies.

In this master degree, students are challenged, based on the Project-Based Learning and Challenged Based Learning methodology, to present innovative technology and communication solutions in the context of services and applications based on Web technologies. In this context, the MCTW presents as overall aims of the study cycle, to develop or acquire skills in:

  • the conceptualisation of digital products supported by Web technologies;
  • the conceptualisation of responsive interfaces for Web services and applications;
  • User Experience interfaces assessment;
  • development of services and applications using the latest Web technologies;
  • conceptualisation and development of tangible interfaces, integrated with digital products for the Web;
  • assessment of digital products with the intent of making them accessible to all audiences;
  • development of strategies for valuing and promoting digital products for the Web.

Holders of a bachelor’s degree or legal equivalent in Communication Sciences and Technologies, Multimedia or Informatics, or other candidates who demonstrate consolidated skills in Web technologies can apply. These skills can be demonstrated with, at least, one of the following elements:

  • 9 ECTS in Web development;
  • 30 hours of professional training in Web development, duly proven;
  • Professional experience demonstrated through a portfolio.
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