DigiMedia researchers participate in The Sixteenth EATEL Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning 2022 (JTELSS 2022)

Carlos Santos (DigiMedia member) and Lorena Sousa, DigiMedia PhD student and  student of the Doctoral Programme in Multimedia in Education, participated in The Sixteenth EATEL Summer School on Technology Enhanced Learning 2022 (JTELSS 2022), which took place in Greece, from 21 to 28 May. This summer school gathered 120 participants, among doctoral students and experts in the field of TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning), and was organized by the European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL).

It also gathered the members of the project Doctoral Education for Technology-Enhanced Learning (DE-TEL), of which the University of Aveiro is one of the 10 European partners, being locally coordinated by Luís Pedro, DigiMedia researcher.

Among other activities, they conducted the workshops Gamification and TEL research (Luís Pedro and Carlos Santos) and Creating Open Educational Resources with the H5P tool (Lorena Sousa, Luís Pedro and Carlos Santos).

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