Liliana Costa (DigiMedia member) was the third highest ranked candidate in the panel Media and Communications, Law and Political Science Evaluation Panel, in the category Junior Researcher, with a project entitled HEALTHY SERIOUSGIGGLE: Assessing the Impact of Game-based Psychotherapies and Media Rehab for Mental Health and General Wellbeing in Older Adults. Only 7 projects were accepted for funding out of 63 in this panel. Four DigiMedia researchers submitted proposals for this call.
Liliana Costa holds an European Ph.D. in Information and Communication in Digital Platforms at the University of Aveiro and University of Porto (with internship at the Disruptive Media Learning Lab, Conventry University); a M.A degree in Multimedia Communication and a BsC in New Technologies of Communication, both at the University of Aveiro. Her research interests are universal design, digital games, virtual communities, three-dimensional environments, ageing studies, learning, human-computer interaction, computer-mediated communication, natural interfaces, eHealth, mobile apps and digital inclusion.