It is with great pleasure that we announce to the academic community that Maria Isabel Gomes dos Santos is the winner of the European award “EDF-Oracle eAccessibility Scholarship” of 2017-2018. This event represents an indisputable recognition of the remarkable quality and cleverness of Isabel Santos.
The awarded research work described masterfully by Isabel Santos in her PhD thesis, of the Doctoral Program in Multimedia in Education (DEP/DeCA), entitled “Digital technologies to support the development of the mathematical reasoning of students with autism spectrum disorder” is centered on the creation and validation of a digital prototype for children with autism spectrum disorder promoting the development of their mathematical capabilities. This work was developed by the Thematic Line GEOMETRIX, of the Center for Research & Development in Mathematics and Applications- CIDMA (DMat), emerging as a fruitful collaboration of the research centers CIDMA and DigiMedia (Digital Media and Interaction) of the University of Aveiro.
It was an honor and a great privilege, for us, to have had the opportunity to supervise an academic with such tremendous talent. We could not be more proud of her. Many congratulations Isabel.
The award ceremony will take place in the European Parliament, most probably, next September.
The supervisors,Ana Breda – Coordinator of the T.L. GEOMETRIX and member of CIDMA;
Ana Margarida Almeida – Coordinator of the Health and Wellbeing group of DigiMedia.