DigiMedia participates in Research Summit 2021

The Research Summit 2021 was held on July 7-9, under the theme “ Art, Science and Innovation in times of trouble”.

It was a forum to foster important discussion among the University of Aveiro research community and to enable collaborations to advance the state of the art and empower the research efforts at the campus.

Given the pandemic, Research Summit 2021 adopted a hybrid model, both in-person and online on the 1st day (plenary) and online on the following days (students’ pitches).

On July 7, the 20 Research Units had their moment for presentation. DigiMedia was represented in this edition by Rui Raposo with the topic “Sleep, eat, engage, repeat”, taking place at 11:10 am.

Research Summit 2021 is available at the YouTube channel of the University of Aveiro.

Day 1, PART1 (morning) – available HERE

Day 1, PART 2 (afternoon) – available HERE

Besides this, all PhD students were invited to present a pitch on their research project. According to the programme, DigiMedia PhD students participated in three panels:

  • Multimedia in Education, July 8, 9:00 to 10:20 am, Room 6

Cláudia Barbosa, Media Use and Media Multitasking Habits of Students and Teaching Staff of
the University of Aveiro
Sérgio Cossa, The potential of New Media in distance secondary education in Mozambique
Lersi Durán, Impact of DEEP Psychoeducational Campaign on Portuguese University Students
Marina Pereira, Collaborative environments with a transmedia approach to promote students` motivation and autonomy within the scope of mathematical learning
Maria Reis, Data collection in times of trouble: online sessions games and focus group
Ana Carvalho, Peer learning and its impact on peer teacher students’ academic performance –
proposal of a procedure model
Andreza Souza Santos, Relações entre resiliência, literacia e inclusão digital de estudantes de tecnologia da informação no Brasil

  • Information and Communication in Digital Plataforms, July 8, 2:00 to 3:10 pm, Room 9

Allana Albuquerque, Infocommunication management of Social Communicacion System of
Brazilian Federal Prosecution Service
Rossana Moura, Inclusão digital em comunidades rurais no estado do Ceará: diretrizes para
sustentabilidade em projetos sociais com mulheres
Larissa Oliveira, Personal Data Protection by Legal Design: a communication centered on
informed and unequivocal consent
Jesse Filho, Location based-games and active ageing: the pokémon go study in seniors´ life
Inês Santos Moura, Participatory methodologies in the creation of a Web documentary with the
community of Bairro Herculano
Tiffany Marques, The promotion of empathy through proactive behaviours in intelligent assistants for interactive television
Maria José Fonseca, The school library in the digital age: proposal of an infocommunication model
André Branco, Heuristic model of a public health dashboard for citizen engagement in smart
Eliza Oliveira, Precaution and perception of online aggressions: infocommunicational behavior
in the face of the risks at the Portuguese university level
Raissa Sales, Infocommunication and digital platforms in the sharing economy: a multicases
study about the trust in sustainable contexts

  • Information and Communication in Digital Plataforms – PROJECT, July 9, 2:30 to 3:15 pm, Room 27

Cláudia Ortet, Evaluation of Gamification Strategies’ Impact in the Information and Communication Services of Cyclotourism for Senior Citizens

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