DigiMedia organizes miOne World – the 1st International Conference on Online Social Environments for Active Ageing

miOne World was the 1st International Conference on Online Social Environments for Active Ageing, which gathers researchers, practitioners and industry representatives to discuss the design, development and evaluation of digitally mediated products for active ageing, sense of belonging and perceived wellbeing. It took place online on 22 and 23 July 2021, being organized by DigiMedia-Department of Communication and Arts, University of Aveiro, jointly with University of Porto (FLUP) and Polytechnic Institute of Viseu (ESEV).

This conference is a result of the SEDUCE 2.0 research Project, constituting a forum in which researchers, associations, Universities of the Third Age and other entities share their concerns, initiatives and advances in the involvement of older adults in the usage or/and development of technology and integration in communities.

Ana Isabel Veloso (DigiMedia Researcher) was the Conference Chair and is the Responsible Researcher of the project SEDUCE 2.0 and Liliana Vale Costa was the Organizing Conference Chair. Many DigiMedia members were part of the Organizing Committee: Cláudia Ortet (Registration staff), Francisco Regalado (WebDesign), Jesse Nery Filho (Author’s support), Sofia Nunes (Communication Strategist) and Tânia Ribeiro (Registration staff). Several DigiMedia Researchers were part of the Program Committee and session chairs.

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