Vania Baldi and Lídia Oliveira are the only portuguese authors publishing in the book “L’avenir de Terre-Patrie. Cheminer avec Edgar Morin.” under the direction of Alfredo Pena-Vega, with Prefaces from António Guterres, Audrey Azoulay and Josep Borrell Fontelles.
This book looks back on one of Edgar Morin’s flagship concepts, “Terre-patrie”, originally published in 1993. Thirty years later, scientists, writers, intellectuals and politicians from many countries, brought together at the initiative of sociologist Alfredo Pena-Vega, illustrate its strength and relevance. What do the Earth and the terrestrials face today and what will they face tomorrow, in 2050? A stimulating, offbeat and sometimes funny exercise – when anticipation becomes science fiction – this book sheds light on the visionary scope of the thought of Edgar Morin, who never ceases to remind people that the future is not just pure uncertainty and that we can fully anticipate the better to face it.
Oliveira, L. (2021). L’itinérance sur le chemin des cygnes noirs – le défi éducatif du XXI siècle. In A. Pena-Vega, L’avenir de Terre-Patrie. Cheminer avec Edgar Morin (pp. 252-262). France: Actes Sud.
Baldi, V. (2021). Écologiser et connecter les connaissances. Décoloniser le système éducatif de la logique du capitalisme. In A. Pena-Vega, L’avenir de Terre-Patrie. Cheminer avec Edgar Morin (pp. 354-360). France: Actes Sud.
For more information on the book HERE
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