DigiMedia members participated in the ICEM Conference

The conference of the International Council for Educational Media, under the topic Moving on towards ‘new normal’ in education, took place from 12 to 14 October 2022 in Politécnico de Santarém. DigiMedia was an official partner of the event.

Several DigiMedia members participated in ICEM 22:

  • “Narrative and personalization in teaching it and electronics in children from 5 to 7 years old” by Mário Vairinhos, Rui Raposo and Filipe T. Moreira
  • “Building/customization of educational scenarios for Immersive Web Environments” by Ricardo Carvalho, Maria Ferreira, Bárbara Cleto, Tiago Paralta, Vítor Silva, Vasco Silva, Carlos Santos, Nelson Zagalo, Mário Vairinhos and Fernando Ramos
  • “Exploring the use of Augmented Reality for training computer workstation ergonomic issues” by Rui Raposo, Mário Vairinhos and Pedro Reisinho
  • “Building awareness towards issues related with Universal Design: The case of the MrUD project” by Rui Raposo and Mário Vairinhos
  • “Hybrid, virtual, or face-to-face? How to incorporate new teaching habits?” by Rosinete de Jesus Silva Ferreira
  • “Perceptions of future basic education teachers about the potential of programming in the educational context” by Ana Oliveira and David Oliveira
  • “Teachers’ perceptions about IoT technologies in school activities” by Filipe T. Moreira, Mário Vairinhos and Fernando Ramos
  • “Developing a gamified digital platform to promote extracurricular activities in basic and secondary schools – preliminary findings” by Ana Raquel Carvalho, Laura Ferreira, Lara Gonçalves, Carlos Santos, João Almeida, Nuno Ribeiro, Miguel Filipe, João Brandão, Samuel Santos, Catarina Dionísio and Luis Pedro
  • “Social digital gaming trends of the Portuguese older adults: Preliminary results” by Francisco Regalado, João Almeida and Ana Isabel Veloso
  • “OH!Bug: Envolver as crianças na valorização do património natural” by Sara Martins and Filipe T. Moreira
  • “Do M-Learning ao Learning Analytics” by David Oliveira and Ana Oliveira

More information on the event available in: https://icem2022.ipsantarem.pt/ 

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