DigiMedia members participate in the Erasmus+ funded project Back2Basics

Title: Bridging the gap between higher education and labor market by fostering digital skills


Funding: Erasmus+ KA210
2021-1-PT01-KA220-HED-000023543 – Cooperation partnerships in higher education

DigiMedia team: Rita Santos, Pedro Beça, Luís Pedro


Main Goal:

Back2Basics aims at addressing digital transformation in the HE system and bringing HE systems and labor markets closer together, working in the enhancement of digital skills in the HEI in order to train more digitally prepared teachers and graduates.


  • Many HE teachers lack ‘digital readiness’
  • Many HE teachers not conveying important work-valuable digital skills to their students
  • HE students use ICT tools everyday, but not in a professional manner
  • Many HE students lack professional digital skills that would enhance their employability profile

What to expect?

  • Good Practices on how HEI can get closer to the labor market
  • Pilot Programme that will help HE teachers to promote the use in class of ICT tools useful in professional settings
  • Multiplier Events to disseminate the project and its results
  • One Training Course for HE teachers
  • One Training Course for HE students
  • Many useful resources on how to be more digitally ready for the labor market

Partners: University of Aveiro, BioLiving, University of Macedonia, Gabinete de Recolocación Industrial

Global funding: 223 082,00€

UA fundings: 72 053,00€

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