DigiMedia members host of the multiplier event of the DETEL Erasmus+ project

Carlos Santos (DigiMedia member), Luís Pedro (DigiMedia member) and Lorena Sousa (DigiMedia PhD Student) are part of the team of the Erasmus+ project DETEL – Doctoral Education for Technology-Enhanced Learning and will host the multiplier event that will take place at the University of Aveiro on 16th December 2022.

The participation is free, but registration is required (https://forms.ua.pt/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=223434&lang=pt).

The event is aimed at master’s and PhD Students, Higher Education professors and researchers, as well as basic and secondary education teachers.

During the event, participants will have the opportunity to interact with experts in the field of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and contact with their peers, learn about the latest results of the DETEL European project, learn about Open Educational Resources produced, as well as good practices in terms of doctoral education in TEL.

More information on this multiplier event, including the program, can be found HERE.

About the project

DE-TEL brings together 9 internationally renowned universities and the European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning to reflect their expertise in doctoral education into a new internationally validated program in TEL, extended with rich and professionally produced Open Educational Resources. The project grounds the design of the new program in the best practices in TEL doctoral education across Europe as well as institutional and national requirements.

DE-TEL will create a new offer in an area of research that finds practical application across Europe as digitalisation of education is in an increasing demand to solve multiple challenges.

Doctoral education in TEL aims to develop expertise in doctoral candidates, provide knowledge from multiple relevant perspectives and allows taking empirically-based decisions in implementing TEL solutions in practice. The goal of DE-TEL is to bring doctoral education in TEL to a new level with high-quality resources and a new internationally designed program to support better curricular integration and avoid fragmentation of the digitalisation agenda in Europe.

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