DigiMedia members coordinating the creation of the new portal of the University of Aveiro

Carlos Santos was the general coordinator of the multidisciplinary team responsible for the creation of the new portal of the University of Aveiro and Ana Margarida Almeida was the coordinator of the evaluation team – https://www.ua.pt/pt/portal/. Being one of the institution’s main communication channel, visited by around 3 million people every year, the Portal includes different communication strategies and new features and functionalities.

This project involved an extended group of people from the University of Aveiro (professors, students, technical assistants) that worked for 18 months developing different dimensions: communication, design, technology and evaluation.

Phase 1 (February 2019 – May 2019) consisted of the transformation of the top menu of the webpage. During Phase 2 (June 2019 – July 2020) the new Editor and the Portal’s technology were developed to support the needs of the sub webs. This work involved the migration of 178 sub webs, about 18000 pages of information and 300 people. To allow a good transition process, 7 training sessions were organized and more than 200 clarifications of doubts.

The success of this project depended on the dedication of an internal multidisciplinary team. Well done!

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