Carlos Santos (DigiMedia member) participated in the Switch to Innovation Summit (Valongo, 30th June), invited by the organization to integrate a Round Table about “Innovative Projects with Technology in Education”.
The DigiMedia researcher presented the Avila Crew project as a way to promote collaboration between students for the development of social skills, but also technical skills. In the second part of his participation he presented the adaptation of this project to the 3rd Cicle of Basic Education and to Secondary Education, highlighting the Ana Raquel Carvalho’s PhD project.
Other participants at the Round Table were: João Cunha from Agrupamento de Escolas de Freixo; Francisco Gouveia from United Lisbon International School; and Rui Oliva Teles from Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto.
This Round Table was moderated by other DigiMedia member, Filipe T. Moreira.