DigiMedia member involved in two projects aimed at patients with COVID-19 and their families

Inga Freire Saboia, a PhD Student at DigiMedia, is involved in the team of two funded projects aimed at patients with COVID-19 and their families.

CoVIVE Social – Hospital Social Service Platform to support patients and their families with COVID-19

We are facing a difficult situation with the COVID-19 pandemic that has been challenging society as whole. In the hospital context, one of the major difficulties is the fact that family visits are suspended which generates insecurity and suffering to the patient.

CoVIVE Social is a project that aims to develop a prototype of a technological solution to improve the communication between the Hospital and the COVID-19 patients’ family. The tool will follow and support all the patient journey during all the hospitalization. This platform will offer update notices about the current patient state to family. Besides that, the social rights will be supported by this tool.

This project will be tested in Fortaleza General Hospital that is the major hospital in Ceará. It is funded by FioCruz (Brazil) and Inova Funcap. The research will be undertaken by a multidisciplinary team that includes physicians, nurses, social assistants, developers and designers.

GISSA Intelligent Bot – Prototype of an Intelligent Platform for Communication with users of primary health care in the COVID-19 Pandemic

We are facing a difficult situation with the COVID-19 pandemic that has been concerning mainly for the risk groups, which includes individuals with chronic diseases, such as Arterial Hypertension and Diabetes, pregnant women, and elderly people.

This project has the main goal to develop a prototype for m-Health solution to promote self-care and guide the user’s journey in primary health care. It will be a prototype for interaction with pregnant women, hypertensive and people with diabetes. This will be undertaken through textual dialogues with a chatbot.

This project will be tested in primary health care in Horizonte (a city in Ceará – Brazil). It is funded by FioCruz (Brazil) and Inova Funcap. The research will be undertaken by a multidisciplinary team that includes physicians, nurses, developers and designers.

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