DigiMedia co-organized the 11th International Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts – Videojogos 2019

Videojogos is an annual conference on videogame sciences and arts, promoted by the Portuguese Society of Video Games Sciences (SPCV). The conference has been promoting the scientific gathering of researchers and professionals in the expanded field of videogames.

The University of Aveiro held the 1st edition of the Conference in 2009 and held it again in 2019, between 27th and 29th November (http://videojogos2019.web.ua.pt/). The event was co-organized by the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro (DeCA), DigiMedia Research Center and the Portuguese Society of Video Games Sciences (SPCV). Ana Veloso (Conference chair), Nelson Zagalo (Scientific chair), José Nunes (Organizing chair), Óscar Mealha (Co-organizing chair), Pedro Beça (Workshop chair) and Mário Vairinhos (Demo chair) were part of the Organizing Committee.

This year, 10 years after the first conference, SPCV and the co-organizers decided to convert the conference into a full international event, with English as a working language.

The Keynote speakers (of the conference were Ernest Adams (game designer and professor at the University of Uppsala, Sweden) and Diogo Gomes (professor at the Dep. Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, University of Aveiro, Portugal).

The Book of abstracts is available in https://ria.ua.pt/handle/10773/27038. And the full Proceedings will be available soon at Springer (https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030379827).



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