Call for project proposals within AlticeLabs@UA

The 4th call for project proposals within AlticeLabs@UA is open until 31 December 2020. Professors and researchers from the University of Aveiro (UA) are invited to submit proposals on R&D and Innovation topics of interest to both entities, UA and Altice Labs. These proposals must be significantly different from the ongoing R&D work and from innovative products already on the market.

The AlticeLabs@UA laboratory was created in July 2016 through a protocol signed between the Rectory of the University of Aveiro and Altice Labs. AlticeLabs@UA is located at the Department of Communication and Art (DeCA) and aims at the joint development of academic and scientific projects between the two entities, focusing on the following scientific and technological areas linked to: development of emerging Web services; IPTV and digital content; usability of services and apps; user experience; collaborative or social experience systems; the Internet of Things (IoT) area.

More information and application form at

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