Call for papers for the International Conference on Visual Storytelling: From the Mural to the Digital

Call for Papers

Papers are accordingly invited on specific aspects of the following topics, in rough chronological order:
1. Stage and live performance narratives
2. Visual storytelling in traditional arts and crafts
3. Storytelling in the plastic arts 4. Narrating the landscape: from recording travel to the age of Instagram
5. Museums, physical and virtual
6. Photographic narrative forms
7. Cinema – from the silent days to modern digital and CGI forms
8. Graphic Novels
9. Comic Books and comic strips
10. Cartoons
11. Children’s books
12. Television – entertainment, news media and the use of the image
13. Music videos – narrating the song
14. Storytelling in advertising and marketing
15. The campaign video
16. Visual Narratives on/of the city: graffiti and street art
17. Video Game narratives
18. YouTube and online filmmaking
19. Graphic fan fiction
20. The business of visual storytelling

We welcome submissions in English, by the 31st March 2022, to be sent to Professors David Callahan ( and Clara Sarmento ( with the following information:

• Title;
• Author(s), institutional affiliation, contact email(s);
• Conference topic (see list above);
• Extended Abstract (200 words);
• Bionote (100 words).

Confirmed Key-note Speakers

Hanna Musiol, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim
Miguel Sicart, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Registration Fees:

100 euros – Employed Academics
50 Euro – Graduate Students
Registration is free for members of CLLC, U.Aveiro and CEI, ISCAP-P.PORTO

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