Doctoral Symposium
Integrated with Reboot, the doctoral symposium includes lecture sessions with keynote speakers with relevant scientific contributions in the field of Digital Media, as well as presentations by doctoral studens in the same area. Therefore, the doctoral symposium opens the door to a space that encourages discussion, sharing, and networking. On the one hand, it draws inspiration from the works exhibited at Reboot and, on the other, from the current and innovative lectures given by keynote speakers, as well as from ideas and preliminary works by doctoral students.
Doctoral Symposium Call For Abstracts Submission
The call for abstracts submission is open until October 22nd, 2021. The selected abstracts will be presented by the authors in the Doctoral Symposium Sessions program.
This Doctoral Symposium is open to all the Digital Media Doctoral Program students from the University of Porto and University NOVA de Lisboa. Nonetheless, we also accept submissions from Ph.D. students of other Universities and Doctoral programs who have a specific interest in digital media and/or research works related to the digital media field. All submissions will be evaluated by the Symposium Scientific Committee and priority will be given to Ph.D. students at the beginning of their research journey that presents clear and concise submissions.
Call for Abstracts
Submission Guidelines
Submissions consist of extended abstracts of 1-page (max. excluding references, tables or figures) and must provide an overview of the student’s ongoing work. Key notes:
- Only submissions by Ph.D. students will be considered;
- The doctoral work must be related to the Digital Media field and with one one more of the Digital Media Doctoral Program specializations (Audiovisual and Interactive Content Creation; Industry, and Publics and Markets; Journalism; Technology);
- Submissions must be single-author, on the topic of the doctoral work. The name of the supervisor must be clearly marked under the author’s name;
- All submissions must be original;
- Submissions must be in PDF format and only submissions through Easychair will be considered;
- Submissions must be written in English;
- Text body: 1-page max. (excluding references);
- Keywords: 5 (maximum) that would best fit the content of your abstract;
- Accepted submissions will be presented at the Symposium – 15 min (10 min presentation + 5 min discussion) / each;
- Accepted submissions will be distributed to all participants and members of the event;
- All rights of the submission contents are kept by the authors.
Please access the Easychair platform for submissions.
Porto, Portugal.
Accepted submissions require presentation at the Symposium.
Requests for remote presentations are evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Important Dates
Submission deadline: October 22nd, 2021
Notification of acceptance: October 29th, 2021
Doctoral Symposium: November 8th – 9th, 2021
For more information, please visit the website.