Renata Frade, a DigiMedia researcher and PhD student, is the author of a chapter of the book “Direitos humanos e saúde : gênero e sexualidade em vozes insurgentes”, released by EdUFBA in partnership with Fiocruz.
The book can be downloaded here.
About this book:
Human rights and health: gender and sexuality in insurgent voices was organized by Angélica Baptista Silva, Maria Helena Barros de Oliveira, Patrícia Von Der Way and addresses emerging themes of gender, sexuality and human rights in health from a liberating and decolonial perspective. The work presents contributions from experts and final papers from the Postgraduate course in Gender, Sexuality and Human Rights at the Sergio Arouca National School of Public Health, at the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (ENSP/Fiocruz), with 17 chapters divided into four thematic axes. The axes cover labor relations and occupational health; the health challenges of the LGBTQIAPN+ population; gender-based violence and vulnerabilities; and empowerment through education and technologies.
About the chapter DECOLONIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES – challenges for design from intersectional and feminist perspectives in Human-Algorithm Interaction (HCI), by Elen Nas and Renata Frade:
Before the human risks in Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications were properly understood, the large data extractions that made up what was called big data represented structures organized through algorithms, in which the quality, representativeness and social significance of the data passed uncritically into the production environments (the “product design”) and programming. Since Feminist Human-Computer Interaction (Feminist HCI) is an interdisciplinary approach, in which the principles of feminism are applied to the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), we present in this introduction some notes regarding the recurring biases in AI applications that, directly or indirectly, concern HCI.