ARTICLE | Mobile Application of Communitarian Participation Oriented to the Prevention of Forest Fires in Portugal by Manuel Gil, Liliana Gonçalves and Lídia Oliveira

The article “Mobile Application of Communitarian Participation Oriented to the Prevention of Forest Fires in Portugal” by Manuel Gil, Liliana Gonçalves (DigiMedia PhD student) and Lídia Oliveira (DigiMedia member) was published in Advances in Design and Digital Communication IIProceedings of the 5th International Conference on Design and Digital Communication, DIGICOM 2021, November 4–6, 2021, Barcelos, Portugal.


Forest fires have caused devastating social and economic damage in the forest-dependent regions of Portugal. This phenomenon can accentuate in the following years due to many factors that can aggravate conditions like extreme drought, lousy forest management, or interior depopulation. On digital platforms, forest fires are a target of investigation and analysis. The results point to few varieties of applications, most of them focused on the combat phase. The ones about prevention are limited and with little interaction. This work summarizes the Portuguese situation respecting forest fires and presents a study of the country’s existing apps and prevention campaigns. Based on the analysis of interviews conducted by the orientation team, a mobile application oriented to the active participation of the community in the prevention of forest fires was conceptualized, prototyped, and tested. This app lets users add Alerts or Public Actions on a map and give them space for discussion and useful information.


Gil M., Gonçalves L., Oliveira L. (2022) Mobile Application of Communitarian Participation Oriented to the Prevention of Forest Fires in Portugal. In: Martins N., Brandão D. (eds) Advances in Design and Digital Communication II. DIGICOM 2021. Springer Series in Design and Innovation, vol 19, pp. 109-121. Springer, Cham.

More information available HERE

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