ARTICLE | Home-Based Activities for Children with Speech Sound Disorders: Requirements for a Tangible User Interface for Internet of Things Artefacts by Joaquim Santos, Mário Vairinhos, Jonathan Rodriguez and Luís M. T. Jesus

The article Home-Based Activities for Children with Speech Sound Disorders: Requirements for a Tangible User Interface for Internet of Things Artefacts by Joaquim Santos (DigiMedia PhD Student), Mário Vairinhos (DigiMedia member), Jonathan Rodriguez and Luis M. T. Jesus was published in Applied Sciences – Special Issue New Digital Technologies for Diagnosis and Rehabilitation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders.


This paper presents the state of the art regarding the use of tangible user interfaces for internet of artefacts (IoA) targeting health applications, with a focus on speech and language therapy and related areas, targeting home-based interventions, including data security and privacy issues. Results from a systematic literature review, focus group, and a nationwide questionnaire have been used to determine the system requirements for an artefact prototype to be developed. The aim of this study was to understand what is the usual practice of clinicians and to contribute to a better intervention or post-intervention approach for children with Speech Sound Disorders (SSD). The literature review revealed that some studies proposed technological solutions while others used a social approach and/or gamified activities. We could conclude that more research is needed and that a unified method or framework to address SSD intervention or post-intervention tools is lacking. Clinicians need more and better tools to be able to quantify and qualitatively assess the activities developed at home. View Full-Text


Santos, J., Vairinhos, M., Rodriguez, J., & Jesus, L. M. T. (2022). Home-Based Activities for Children with Speech Sound Disorders: Requirements for a Tangible User Interface for Internet of Things Artefacts. Applied Sciences12(18), 8971. MDPI AG.

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