The result of the second call for proposals opened by AlticeLabs@UA ( was recently released. The project Automatic Video Generation (PI: Prof. Telmo Silva) and the extension of the project Voluntage4Seniors (PI: Prof. Rita Santos) were selected for funding and will be hosted by the AlticeLabs@UA laboratory facilities located at the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro.

These new projects follow the successful completion of the first two projects funded under the first call opened on 2016. In the VoluntAge4Seniors project, led by Rita Santos, an IPTV application to promote volunteers’ support to elders was studied, prototyped and validated. POTI-Personal Objects as Tangible Interfaces, led by Mário Vairinhos, was another project funded by the lab, that resulted in the development of a programmable cube-shaped device enabling an easy interaction with an IPTV TV set by individuals with special needs.

Established in 2016, AlticeLabs@UA is a joint initiative of Altice Labs and the University of Aveiro aiming at promoting research in groundbreaking topics such as IPTV and digital contents, usability and UX, IoT technologies and applications, and emerging web services.



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