97th AlticeLabs Tech Day – "A new TV experience: UltraTV"









The 97th AlticeLabs Tech Day was held on the 19th July under the theme “A new TV experience: UltraTV”, a consortium project that brings together Altice Labs, the University of Aveiro and the Telecommunications Institute, co-financed by Compete2020, Portugal2020 and the European Structural Funds and the European Investment Funds. This project aims to develop an ecosystem of interactive TV applications that allows, on the one hand, to support a TV service with the most advanced functionalities on the market and, on the other, to test new models of interaction.

At that session, Jorge Miguel Rosa, from the B2C Products and Services Department of Altice PT, presented the evolution of streaming content consumption since 2010, with a decrease in live and linear visualization and a substantial increase in catch up TV. Equally relevant in the analysis of the television consumption evolution are the Netflix and Youtube channels, which are responsible for the explosion of online videos and direct access to the consumer. At the same time, there is a substantial increase in viewing on mobile devices such as tablets, laptops, and smartphones. This new paradigm in television consumption gives users control of what they see, when they see and where they see. In this sense, the pay TV business model must be rethought.

In response to the above problem, a set of presentations / demonstrations with proposals to respond to new ways of consuming Interactive TV content was made.In this sense, Professor Jorge Ferraz de Abreu, senior researcher at DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction Research Center and full professor from the Communication and Art department (DeCA) of the University of Aveiro (UA) ,  presented a disruptive User Interface (UI) proposal, with unification of contents and interactions, that is able to take advantage of the different types of devices: TV, mobile and computer. This study led to a UX prototype with a field trial involving at least 20 families and lasting 20 days, and results can be viewed on the Ultra TV website.

The new habits of content consumption on demand also raise technological issues, such as the need to enable public access networks to provide content with the highest quality to the user, regardless of their context or location, using adaptive distribution mechanisms that work in an integrated way. Professor Susana Sargento of the Telecommunications Institute presented and demonstrated the approach taken by her team to respond to this challenge, which involves improving the Quality of Experience (QoE) through mechanisms for predicting user consumption, by the implementation of distributed caches and usage and prefectching, in a content-aware distributed architecture (Content-Aware Adaptation and Distributed Architecture)

At the end of the session, Bernardo Cardoso, from the Digital, Internet and Television department (DIT), demonstrated the integration of the various components in a multilayered architecture, given the various subsystems involved. One of the goals was to support the whole new ecosystem in standards and open and multi operator platforms, capable of being the basis for a new generation of Interactive TV services. In addition, the use of open Set-top Boxes (STB) and the development of an Application Bootstrap Kit (ABK) for this ecosystem allow the creation of new entertainment formats by a wide community of developers / creators. The demonstrations included use cases of Multi Experience, Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), continuity of the television experience between devices, among others, always accompanied by a very interested and participative audience.   Source adapted from  [1]


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