Videobite – Stimulating User Engagement Through Newsworthy Stories Based on Short Online Videos
This project aims to research and develop news engagement strategies by means of the development of a free on-line platform that allows users to create and share news video remixes on social networks. Users will be able to create their own online videos (U.G.C.) based on audio-visual content made available by the Cofina journalists in the platform.
may -2018 – june 2019
~200.000€ €
International Private – Digital News Innovation Fund [1]
VideoBite (Round 3) [2]
Social ITV
Pedro Almeida
Researchers: Pedro Beça, Jorge Ferraz de Abreu;
Grantees: Carlos Silva, Arthur Pedrozo.
Cofina, Google, Brightpixel
Available at: [3]
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